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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Local adjustments via layers and masks

Which device are you using?

iPad Pro 12.9, iPhone 12 Pro max

What problem do you see this solving?

All landscape photos require some sort of local adjustment. I spend a good part of my time travelling and I'd like to do this editing work on my iPad on the road and not have to wait to edit my photos when I'm back at my desktop, when I no longer have the chance to go back to reshoot a failed image or replan my programme based on what I learn from editing an image in my hotel room, or in my car.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Last time I tried to use the app

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals?

I have given up using the app until it has some realistic editing functionality. As a workaround I am using Lightroom Mobile. Of course that also provides an incentive to use the Lr desktopsoftware, poor as it is :-(

  • Menno Graaf
    Jan 18, 2025

    Love it!

  • Evi Kefallinou
    Jul 4, 2023

    Thanks 374152054758 and sorry that your long answer disappeared.  

  • Jeremy Henderson
    Jul 4, 2023

    Very briefly this time - I am on the road for several months a year.  I use layers a lot on desktop to group similar adjustments eg colour grading, and different aspects of colour grading, and also to group similar local adjustments.  Apart from layers and masks it would be useful to have focus stacking and AI sky tool.

  • Jeremy Henderson
    Jul 4, 2023

    I typed a long reply, hit Submit, and it disappeared!!

  • Evi Kefallinou
    Jul 4, 2023

    Hello 368703458617! Thanks for the feedback and sorry for not providing what you need when you are on the go! Can you elaborate more about your photography? You mention landscape photos, can you share a few words about how often you go out and shoot and what do you do with your photos afterwards? Apart from layers, what other editing tools do you miss and why?

    Sorry for the many questions but this is very valuable for us in order to understand your problems better and prioritise the right improvements :) 

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