I have been using capture one IOS version “iPad , and iPhone” the app is very intuitive, and easy to use. However, the app feels basic and not for professional purposes. Competitors like Adobe, and Darkroom have full features where you can do local adjustments using the layers mask.
So few features could enhance user experience. I am going to list the features i am looking for below:
1- layer mask
2- remove/clone
3- color wheel
4- ability to apply profile where no changes on sliders are pre applied
Appreciate your support
Hello 13812354427805 and thanks for the feedback. Could you please give us some context about you and your relation to photography? what do you usually shoot and when do you edit on your phone/iPad?
I would love to have a chat with you, if you have time, please send me an email at eke@captureone.com and I will set something up!