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Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Live
Created by Lucien Sims
Created on May 20, 2024

Please remove bright blue outline from Live for Studio

Hi, love the new Live for Studio implementation. That made Studio a day one upgrade decision for me.

But when my clients are using that screen to follow along, there's a bright blue outline around the image when in full screen. I understand that you want to communicate the setting, but judging images and colours can be hugely influenced by having a bright blue line surrounding the image, and the very first time I showed someone the feature, the first thing she said was "can you get rid of the blue around it?". Can this be de-activated?


Lucien Sims

  • Admin
    Capture One Product Manager
    May 24, 2024

    Hello @Guest , thanks a lot for the feedback. We understand the problem and we will try to fix it, by providing an opt out option or something similar.

    3 replies