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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Steve Kelly
Created on Jun 27, 2024

Curve Tool - Inidividual resets for the 5 different channels

I use the Curve tool a lot, mostly just the RGB and Luma Channels, but reasonaly often on the Red/Green Blue channels too.

I find it a big irritation that hitting the only reset button for the tool resets all 5 channels. I'm often trying different things in the different Curve channels, and often find that I just want to reset one (or mutiple...but not all!) channel.

And I have to go into each channel, and highlight each and every dot individually and hit delete (which is often multiple times per channel), just so that I don't lose the adjustments made on any other channels that I'm happy with.

Could we somehow add a reset in for each of the 5 channels?