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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 22, 2024

Enable the creation of new default workspaces

What problem do you see this solving?

Describe the problem or issue you are having in Capture One.

Think about what it is that you're trying to achieve, and the reason why you are trying to do it.

Every time I open C1 I need to go to workspaces to select my custom one, and having the ability to create new default ones will remove anirritant. Linked to the is the ability to delete all workspaces other than my new default(s)


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

If your feedback is more general, simply let us know how much your workflow is affected.

Every time I open C1 or need to switch to another custom on.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

This is so we have a greater understanding of how your workflow is affected, and how we can improve the existing tools and functionality.

I cannot find any

  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 22, 2024

    Good to know it was easy enough to solve!


  • Guest
    Jan 22, 2024

    Oops, thanks Ian I omitted to save it!

  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 22, 2024

    I am surprised that you need to switch workspaces every time you open Capture One. It always opens with my custom workspace except when it has installed an update, when it opens in the default workspace and I have to select either mine or the version of it backed up automatically by the update.

    So effectively, my custom workspace does act as a default.

    We probably need to find out why it doesn't work like that for you. Have you actually saved your preferred workspace?
