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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Shipped
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 27, 2023

Fix the Update Process

What problem do you see this solving?

It's not the 1990s anymore. Capture One needs a modern update system. This should solve the following issues.

1. I should not need to download a FULL COPY of Capture One in order to update the software. An update package should be enough. This should also be done internally within the program without me needing to go to the website and do it manually. Freeware can get this right. Come on Capture One.

2. I shouldn't need to re-activate (read: go to the website again, deactivate my previous installation, re-enter my serial number). This is first-year programmer stuff. Get it together.

3. Capture One should NOT revert to its default workspace after every update, forcing me to change my settings every single time I update.

This whole process makes me want to not ever update Capture One. It's an absolute pain and could be fixed by a couple of random guys on GitHub. This NEEDS a fix.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?


Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?


  • John Friend
    Nov 3, 2023


    If my version cannot read a raw file how can it tell me what version of Capture One is needed to support it?

    This is absolutely a solvable problem if warranted.  There are several different possible approaches.

    1. It could say: "This RAW file is not current supported by this version of Capture One.  Click here on this link to see if a newer version of Capture One contains support for this RAW file". And, that would take you to the reference page on Capture One's site about RAW file support.
    2. It could make a request to an API on Capture One's site with a small package of the critical metadata from the RAW file as the payload and then the API on Capture One's site could analytically determine which version of Capture One add support for this RAW file (if any) and then that result could be communicated in the error dialog.

    FWIW, I think it's really bad that it just skips files it doesn't know how to import and doesn't tell you anything about the fact that it skipped files and why.   That part at a minimum should be fixed.  You could lose files this way by thinking they were safely imported and thus you can reuse the card, when in fact they were not.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 3, 2023

    Oh, well. At least there is a chance to add more files, also containing metadata like "minimal version with support", it's mostly a matter of implementing reader for that metadata as early as possible. One could hope.

  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 2, 2023


    EIP is a ZIP file with .eip extension. The raw file inside is the camera original raw file and still unreadable.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 2, 2023

    My understanding was that EIP is something entirely controlled by Capture One, an internal format, so it could be amended to self-inform about required version. A sort of protocol negotiation.

  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 2, 2023


    If my version cannot read a raw file how can it tell me what version of Capture One is needed to support it?

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 2, 2023

    I would amend 13007131304989 with a message telling rather "Some of the imported files are compatible only with version X or later of Capture One", because not always update is possible without a serious cost of a new license.

  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2023

    I would like to add my comments to this feature request to avoid a duplicate post. I work at an agency that deals with a large volume of photography from the Entertainment Key Art industry. Sometimes, we receive EIPs (Enhanced Image Package) files that were created with a newer version of Capture One. Unfortunately, there is no prompt from Capture One informing us that an update is required to open the file properly. The file simply doesn't import. Therefore, I strongly suggest that when fixing the update process, a dialog window should be included to notify users that an update is needed to open these files correctly.

  • +16