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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Liam Young
Created on Jul 8, 2024

Stop Resetting Workspaces on software update

When installing a new update, a users bespoke workspace is overwritten and reset back to default.

Even in the event that a workspace has been saved and is reloaded after the update, it is still littered with tools that have been removed and with tools that have been unpinned from the scrolling area or visa-versa.

Please may we understand that users curate their work spaces and it is disruptive to assume they wish for them to be reset with every update, let alone have to clean up their saved workspaces that become littered with features they may have removed or moved to a different tab.

Current workaround

No current work around.

  • Frank Schroeter
    Aug 27, 2024

    Can you add some specifics about what gets added to your custom Workspace that you don't want? Some new tools are added deliberately after and update, to make them discoverable.

    Custom Workspace being "overwritten" would be a bug. Please contact Capture One Support if you encounter that.

  • Ian Farlow
    Jul 19, 2024
    Even in the event that a workspace has been saved and is reloaded after the update, it is still littered with tools that have been removed and with tools that have been unpinned from the scrolling area or visa-versa.

    I too have seen this behavior, and I find that I have to apply my custom workspace twice just to get it to properly set up my workspace. Not the worst thing to have to deal with, but frustrating nonetheless.

  • Eddie F
    Jul 18, 2024
    Even in the event that a workspace has been saved and is reloaded after the update, it is still littered with tools that have been removed and with tools that have been unpinned from the scrolling area or visa-versa.

    I find this to be false. When I load a saved workspace, it is the why I designed it.

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