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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Mobile
Created by Pascal Heußner
Created on Aug 27, 2024

mobile markup

Hey Folks,

I'd love to see a markup functionality in the mobile App. Maybe this is something you are able to implement via the Apple Pencilkit Framework.
I need it on my outside mobile Projects. I often use a scribble overlay with notes what to do on a Photo.
. . . Colorwork to do . . .

. . . retuche work to do . . .

. . . topic notes . . .


Current workaround

at the moment I need to make a screenshot and scribble on the sreenshot.
The Problem here is that there is no actual connection between the screenshot and the c one file / Katalogue.
My dream is to scribble on the go - maybe at a plane, at a train etc. (with the Apple Pencil). -> later sync files with my full Cone on the desktop. And voila do the Work what tells me my scribbles!