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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Francesco Maria Cultrera
Created on Dec 10, 2023

Settings backup

What problem do you see this solving?

Preserve CaptureOne settings by storing them in a specific location. I imagine something similar to the catalog backup: choose a folder and and copy the customized settings there when changed. It will be more user friendly than the workaround described below and also less error-prone. This feature will prevent loosing important information in case of a computer fault.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Fortunately, still not happened. But, what if my PC crashes definitively without prior advise?

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

I'm using Windows, so I can copy the folder in AppData/Local to my own location. It is a manual process and I do not really know what I'm copying and if everything will be compatible with a new installation on a new computer (if there is some setting strictly linked to the current PC, maybe it can create errors on a new one?)

  • David Fay
    Mar 7, 2024

    To expand on this I would love to see settings, especially styles, sync between machines.

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 16, 2023

    I've made a couple of updates to this backup/restore script. It now includes the scripts folder, lets you choose which the folder to write the backup file, and lets you choose the backup file to restore.

  • John Friend
    Dec 16, 2023

    And, remember a more comprehensive feature request for actually automatically syncing different installed copies on the same license is over here if you would also like to vote for that.  I've voted for both, though I'd prefer more automatic syncing myself.

  • Francesco Maria Cultrera
    Dec 16, 2023

    I see many comments, but few votes. Please, remeber that voting posts enhances the probability that the suggestion is considered by CaptureOne.

  • Fabrizio Giudici
    Dec 14, 2023

    Thanks – I see that there are other scripts in the repo and I think it's always inspiring to look at scripts done by other people.

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 14, 2023

    The script at this link works for macOS users as it is written in AppleScript. The script installs two scripts in the Capture One scripts menu. One will "export" (backup) and one will "import" (restore). If you "import" you will need to restart Capture One to see the restored recipes, presets, styles, etc.

    This is pretty rudimentary but I tested it on my own machines and it works.

  • John Friend
    Dec 11, 2023


    You could create your own backup with a simple batch file that just lists the specific directories in the profile directory structure that should be backed up and then puts them into a ZIP file if that's what you need.  That's a fairly easy script to write.  If you have a general backup solution, the profile directory should already be getting backed up as part of that.

    Merging that backup into another installation without any chance of error/problem or loss of changes in the target installation is not trivial which is why I described that in the separate feature request.  It's also why I've stopped trying to do my own manual sync.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 11, 2023

    Done. While I would rather synchronize manually via export/import of backups, I do agree that built-in sync will be of great value.

  • John Friend
    Dec 11, 2023

    Separate feature requests for automatic syncing of styles, export recipes, import settings, custom key maps, color profiles, presets, etc... filed here:

    We will leave this feature request for what it started out as just a backup of settings.

    If you've been following this and are a fan of the automatic syncing as a feature request, then please upvote that separate request.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 11, 2023

    Could be an extension, but as another request, because "backup" is in other applications sometimes implemented only via cloud and it's a nightmare to get access to files, if ever possible. This thread has started as a solution for those that want to manage files themselves and let's keep it as such.

  • John Friend
    Dec 11, 2023


    AND .. sync to mobile! All your styles, presets, etc, right there in the mobile apps.

    Yep, that would be a logical extension too.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 10, 2023

    We are getting excited here! Maybe it's time for a new thread? 😄

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 10, 2023

    AND .. sync to mobile! All your styles, presets, etc, right there in the mobile apps.

  • John Friend
    Dec 10, 2023


    Even better if Capture One implemented profile sync for all your copies of the same license.  They could have hosted capabilities as part of their subscription (to save your profile info) so they could just use that to actually sync your config for you automatically (if requested or set in a preference).  Then, we wouldn't have to worry about the inner details of what is and isn't safe to copy between systems and, even better, we don't have to do it all manually.  I've got to imagine that lots of working pros have both a laptop and a desktop that they would like the same presets, same import settings, same styles, etc...  Why do we have to manage all that manually?

    And, this could be a feature only available to subscription users (because of the hosted part) which I would think Capture One (the company) might like (even though I'm on a perpetual license).

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 10, 2023

    I would look at the subfolders of the Capture One folder. It is easier to exclude the few system specific vs name all those needed.

    • CaptureCore 
    • [Ee]rrors* 
    • ImageCore 
    • IPCamera* 
    • Plug-ins 
    • Sync

    Everything else (on macOS) goes.

  • Fabrizio Giudici
    Dec 10, 2023

    Yes, moving/copying the folder is documented by C1, so it should be reasonably safe. For what concern contents, that's what I've found as file extensions (on macOS):


    "job" is related to jobs in the Batch Queue — something that IMHO should not stay here, because rather than a configuration it's a work-in-progress status. I'm not sure why the other stuff should be related to hardware acceleration.

    But I support the idea to have a export/import menu that possibly produce a .zip file and doesn't contain stuff such as the batch job queue.

  • John Friend
    Dec 10, 2023


    Yeah, I just read a bit about the purpose of /Local, /LocalLow and /Roaming (something I've never quite understood).  It appears /Roaming should be exactly where things would go that are transportable to a different computer and /Local is for things that are not.  In fact, /Roaming would automatically sync to a different computer in some network environments (enterprise configurations, not individuals).

    So, CaptureOne is putting most of this profile stuff in the wrong place.  To make things like user.config in the Capture_One hierarchy work properly with sync, they'd have to not use a dynamically generated folder name that was installation-specific.

    I still think the ImageCore stuff should be elsewhere entirely as it isn't user-specific.  It's computer-specific.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 10, 2023

    One division is already possible, just like it's done for browsers: workspaces, keymaps or profile settings could go to Roaming, while Local would continue to hold cache or items that cannot be used elsewhere (like Most Recent or ImageCore, assuming it would be not moved out of user profile entirely).

  • John Friend
    Dec 10, 2023


    They could put all the system specific stuff under a single folder and EXCLUDE that folder. It would require a change, but would be simple enough to do.

    That would be a start, but they could clean it up a lot more by getting all the system-specific stuff out of this CaptureOne hierarchy entirely.  Then, no need to know what to include or exclude.  The whole hierarchy would be movable.

    For example, there's probably a better place in Windows for Capture One to store computer-specific stuff.  For example, why is ImageCore stored in a user-specific profile?  It shouldn't be.  It should be stored in an application specific location that is global to the computer so there's only one ImageCore directory for the system, no matter how many user profiles use Capture One.  That would get it completely out of this whole conversation and they'd be storing it in a more appropriate place.  It's been a long time since I worked on Windows programming so I don't know where that location would currently be, but I'm quite sure Windows has such a convention outside the user profile for apps to use for hardware-specific configuration data.

    As for other stuff like logs or plugin stuff that may be specific to a user, but are not useful to move to another installation, it would be great to combine all that stuff in a different parent directory hierarchy that's maybe called CaptureOneSystem instead of CaptureOne.  So, everything in the CaptureOne hierarchy was movable to another system.  Now, just need to do something about the dynamic folder name that contains the user.config.  I'm not sure why they do that.

  • John Friend
    Dec 10, 2023

    To my surprise, Capture One has an article that suggests copying the entire Capture One folder from one system to the next here:

    I'm very surprised they advocate this.  Besides copying a number of things that are system specific, it also doesn't put some things that you want in the right place because of dynamically generated folder names.

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