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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Abbott Schindler
Created on Dec 7, 2023

Brush attributes change (preference suggestion)

What problem do you see this solving?

This is a general workflow issue that introduces what I think is needless complexity. It looks like my request is similar to the "Dedicated brush settings tool" request from 9 months ago, but I differ in wanting my brush settings tied to the layer, rather than needing a dedicated tool. My request could be addressed with a Preference setting.

When applying a Style Brush (preset Flow) or changing the brush attributes on a layer, those attributes are retained for the next edit. This means that after editing/creating a layer that has customized Flow, etc., I need to reset the brush attributes. Every time. This has existed through many C1 versions, and is still present in 16.3.x.

What I'd like to have happen is for C1 to set the brush attributes to their default values when creating a new layer or to the last attributes for a layer re-editing that layer. For example: Create Layer 1 with Brush Flow 3%. Now create Layer 2: Brush flow is still 3% and I need to reset it to default. Now go back to edit Layer 1, and my last-used brush attributes are set. It would be nice if C1 stored brush settings with the layer.

This is especially irritating because I often want to reuse the last settings on each layer, and so far I haven't found a way to have C1 either remember the setting (unless I create a Style Brush) or tell me what the settings used on each layer were.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every time I apply a Style Brush or change brush attributes with particular layer(s). It doesn't matter what tools are selected—the last-used brush settings are retained for the next edit.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

At this point I need to manually set the brush after each application of a Style Brush or change in brush attributes. Even then, it doesn't help when I return to re-edit a layer.

The only workaround I can think of is to create a Style Brush for each brush setting I use, and possibly I'll need to have specific adjustment(s) associated with each brush. I haven't implemented this workaround because it involves creating too many Style Brushes.

  • Abbott Schindler
    Dec 8, 2023

    This might be a clearer explanation.

    Have a preference that would allow a user to choose between using a set of default brush parameters for starting all layers, or have each layer's brush parameters start with the last used ones. And for "Use Defaults", let the use specify the brush parameter values to be used as defaults.

    As C1 16.3.1 stands, and with quite a few earlier versions, one needs to remember to right-click and check/verify brush parameters for each layer, especially after using a Style Brush (might be the same for Styles, but I haven't checked).

    It's the same for both Magic Brush and regular Brush tools (and the corresponding Erase tools). Sure, a user can double-click on an attribute slider to return it to the default value, but you've got to check the brush attributes after every time you change them. This is tedious and prone to user error.

    I hope this helps.

  • Abbott Schindler
    Dec 7, 2023

    Yes, the option you mention is there—thanks for that. However, it doesn't accomplish what I'm asking for. While it allows brush settings to be saved with a particular layer, the brush still retains the last-used settings the next time I select a brush. Same for a Style Brush. What I'm asking for is that the brush return to a default setting when it's used on a new layer. I don't want to have to keep manually resetting the brush every time I create a new layer. A preference similar to the "Aspect ratio behavior" setting in the Crop Settings panel is closer to what I'm suggesting.

  • Brian Jordan
    Dec 7, 2023

    Not in front of my computer so verbiage may be slightly different.

    In the brush options window, there’s a checkbox - Save brush settings with later. Something close to that. I believe that will accomplish what you’re looking for.