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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 1, 2023

Allow the use of an = (equals sign) in the name of a Smart Album

If you enter an = (equals sign) in an album name, you get this error: "Invalid Album Name"

Why might I want an equals sign in an album name?

  • = ★★★
  • = Red
  • >= ★★
  • = Green and > ★★

The issue::

  • if I want to have this name as my Smart Album: = ★★★
  • if I create a new Smart Album with that name I get this error: "Invalid Album Name"

There is a workaround:

  • if I rename it temporarily (e.g. to "ABC") it will let me save that Smart Album
  • if I then go to the Library tab (in the tool tab panel on the left) and right click that Smart Album and press 'Rename'
  • if I then use the name = ★★★
  • it WILL accept the equals sign

So it IS possible to use an equals sign, but only in this roundabout way, which is a poor user experience.


  • ensure the symbols allowed via the RENAME command are also allowed in the original filename creation

  • Fabrizio Giudici
    Dec 2, 2023

    Yes, the workaround works with no apparent harm (also for other characters, such as '/') so probably C1 should align the dialog box and make it more tolerant. BTW I'd like to C1 to chime in about this topic, as there is a small theoretical risk that a future version of the application might reject those names or misbehave.