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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Shipped
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 1, 2023

TOGGLE between ASPECT RATIOS when CROPPING - and keyboard shortcuts to switch between different crops

The bane of editing is my landscape and portrait crops which have their own aspect ratio setups. I would love to be able to have keyboard shortcuts so I can quickly switch between them. Additionally a keyboard hotkey that when held down would temporarily removes the ratio lock for manual adjustments. When released, all future moves would be at ratio lock again.

  • BeO O
    Feb 25, 2024

    That sounds like a bug. Have you considered reporting it here?:


  • Guest
    Feb 24, 2024

    What Morten explains is the exact issue. It's not about one crop that has the same dimensions P and L. It's using a shortcut to have one aspect and another shortcut to have another aspect. The action is only superficial and allows you to keep the size of whatever it was set at. Dare you try to pull the corner to increase the size to get the right crop an it will snap back to the crop that it was set before the shortcut. 

    Ideally the way that it would work is that the shortcut physically changes the crop setting and then from that point onwards you can drag, size, scale etc in that ratio setting. With the hope that having 4 or so shortcuts set up, we can quickly manoeuvre through our preset ratios to make crops of our required ratios very quickly without having to interact with the right click select or the menu select and just rely on the keyboard shortcuts.

    My average shoots have 3 crop ratios, all independent ratios of each other. My hope is that keyboard shortcuts would be able to oscillate between them effectively, not just surface level.



  • Guest
    Feb 21, 2024


    I am also requesting this feature. 

    I often need to make versions of images in severel different aspect ratios. for example 4x5 and 9x16 for instagram and a banner for websites.

    It would save me a lot of time being able to switch between aspect ratios with a keyboard shortcut.

    With the "custom keyboard shortcuts expoklained by Matthew, it does not change the crop tools aspect ratio. Only the images aspect ratio. So as soon as I try to change the crop, it jumps back to whatever aspect ratio is selected in the crop tool.

    So this basically renders the shortcut useless. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Is there another way to do this?

    Thank you.

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Dec 4, 2023

    The way Capture One works, portrait and landscape AR are the same, e.g. 16x9 is the same thing as 9x16 and you switch between portrait and landscape by dragging a corner up or to the side. 

    I think there may be previously existing threads requesting us to implement a shortcut to switch between portrait and landscape, and this is a great idea. I don't have a link to them with me right now, but feel free to contribute to those.

  • Guest
    Dec 4, 2023

    Thank you Mathieu.

    However, this only seems to part work. When I create the shortcut, it will switch the crop to the new Aspect Ratio but if you try to size the box it jumps back to the lock of the previous aspect ratio.

    Eg: I'm in landscape crop mode and use the shortcut to (want to) switch to portrait mode. The box snaps to the portrait crop and I then want to adjust the size of the crop, but attempting to move it or size it makes it flip back to the landscape crop Aspect Ratio. Is there a way to make it stay on the new AR?

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Dec 4, 2023

    Hi 383088711218, 

    It is already possible to define shortcuts for any crop ratio (including your own) with the "Custom shortcuts" tab in the keyboard shortcut menu 

    However, there is no quick toggle to remove the ratio lock as of today - thank you for the suggestion.

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 2, 2023

    I have moved the post to Improve Capture one. 383088711218 please edit your original message to conform to the preferred format. See the pinned post in this topic area for instructions.

  • BeO O
    Dec 2, 2023

    Hi Daniel,

    If that is supposed to be a feature request then pls. put it here (and read / follow the pinned posts):