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Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 24, 2023

export images to photoshop without them being saved in any folder

would like to export images to photoshop without them being saved in any folder. For example I have 4 variants that I use to edit one image. I drag three variants in to one of them in photoshop. Once I have done that I want to discard the 3 variants and save the final image once edited. Capture one always saves the variants that I have to then delete making sure I am not deleting the final image... Lightroom does not save any exported image to photoshop till it is saved in photoshop. Also can Capture export to photoshop 4 variants as layers into one file?

  • Guest
    Nov 27, 2023

    hey please update the post title to properly reflect the feature request
    i'm hiding this post for moderation for now
    thanks in advance

  • John Friend
    Nov 24, 2023


    but presumably LR and PS are almost like two halves of the same system, and Adobe can engineer them to work like that. Not the same in the case of Capture One and Affinity.

    That's a defeatist attitude.  A close relationship between Capture One and Affinity Photo or perhaps even just a smarter plugin for Affinity Photo could easily solve this issue if the parties cared to solve it.  And, in fact, the intermediate files could even be written to a temporary location on disk if they were just automatically cleaned up when done, which would be the simplest implementation between two separate programs from different companies. 

    Let's face it, one of the pains of interfacing Capture One with outside editing programs such as Affinity Photo, Photoshop, Topaz, etc... is dealing with the intermediate files that C1 has to render in order to give the outside program something to work with.  When we're always left to find a place to put them, then clean them up when done, then import the result back again, it's a bothersome workflow that makes us less likely to use the third party tool to its advantage as often as we'd like.  For pros, it costs them time/money.  For amateurs, it's an obstacle to getting the most out of all our tools.

    And, it's a competitive disadvantage for Capture One vs. the LR-PS duo.  As these little integration workflow improvements are far from rocket science, I'm surprised none of this has been given any attention.  See the thread from a few days ago on a similar desire for Focus Stacking integration with Affinity Photo here.  It's a recurring theme.  Small amount of work, meaningful benefit.

    And, if I were the smaller Capture One team trying to compete with the massive resources of Adobe, I'd be looking for partners that I could integrate with to offer a great solution (for features I wasn't planning on implementing myself) without having to do all the feature work myself.

  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 24, 2023

    Yes Lightroom and PS use the same raw converter so LR can simply hand off to PS the task of doing the raw conversion of all the selected images. LR can store the raw adjustments in XMP sidecars or in the DNG raw file and PS / Adobe Camera Raw can read them there. Since no one can read Capture One's raw edits Capture One has to create an intermediate RGB file. This of course then leaves RGB cruft if you are merging multiple images into a single file in PS.

  • Ian Wilson
    Nov 24, 2023

    381975022417 - but presumably LR and PS are almost like two halves of the same system, and Adobe can engineer them to work like that. Not the same in the case of Capture One and Affinity.


  • John Friend
    Nov 24, 2023

    An interesting example of what it might be like to develop such a "close relationship" with Affinity Photo so the combination of Capture One and Affinity Photo might have the same advantages that LR + Photoshop have.

  • Ian Wilson
    Nov 24, 2023

    Taking the last question first, Capture One can't currently export the 4 variants as layers into one file in Photoshop.

    I'd say it's usual that Lightroom can go on into Photoshop without an intermediate file, which it can do because of the close relationship between the two apps. I assume that Lightroom couldn't do that if for some reason you wanted to take an image from Lightroom into some other app.
