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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 4, 2023

Link a layer to a specific tool tab or vice versa

What problem do you see this solving?

My first step after importing and rating is to do some base adjustments on the image layer. On this layer I only want to work on specific global adjustments and tools. For this step I created a custom "BASE" tooltab.

While working on the image I found myself tweaking the wrong layer later in the process. I selected my base tab but forgot to switch to the base layer. I thought it would be nice to link a layer to a specific tab

1. When the custom tooltab is selected it switches to the linked layer

2. When a layer is selected, it switches to the linked tooltab.

I probably would use such a feature only on one layer and one tab. More would be confusing, probably, depending on the UI showing such a connection between layer and tooltab.

This is certainly a niche feature, and tough to implement without creating confusion. Still I miss it almost on every image I work on.

Thanks for a great product!!


Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

No workaround. I try to carefully select the layer and tooltab I want to work on.

  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2023


    What happens with this tool tab if you select another layer which does, or does not, have a tooltab assigned, e.g. 5 minutes later?

    It wouldn't matter. The only thing to remember is that one tool tab has an option to switch directly to an assigned layer. Afterwards you just go on working as usual. No restrictions apply. You may change layer and use the same tools. No worries.

    (and then visit the tools whereever they are for your later finetuning editing).

    exactly... wherever they are. That's where my idea came from. I know for this layer X my tools will always be in my custom tab Y. Why not offer a way to combine them?

    To offer some background of where I come from: I have been using C1 for some years for studio and project work almost exclusively with Sessions. All my landscape and travel photography lives in Lightroom Classic (as some of you might have expected). I don't like the way how LR implemeted layers and masks at all. I even would go so far and say that their UI is terrible. Also having ALL the tools lined up vertically annoys me more and more.

    That's why I started to bring my landscape work into a C1 catalog and I'm having much more fun and better results with it than with LR. Now I feel proficient enough in C1 to adapt tabs and workspaces to my workflow and my way of thinking.

    I love the way C1 handles layers and the tabs concept of organizing tools is fabulous. To have a layer linked to a tab would suit my way of thinking and working. But of course, if I'm the only one, there is no need to add a feature. I will adapt and still be happy with C1.

    Thanks for your comments.

  • BeO O
    Nov 5, 2023

    While working on the image I found myself tweaking the wrong layer later in the process. I selected my base tab but forgot to switch to the base layer.

    Your problem is that you need to remember to switch two things, the tab and the layer. If you get rid of the base tab you need to switch only one thing, the layer. (and then visit the tools whereever they are for your later finetuning editing).

    Your original idea to (optionally) link a layer (name) with a custom tool tab is not bad but indeed there might be some oddities in the user experience if you switch tab, or layer, when done with revisiting the base tab_layer adjustments.

  • BeO O
    Nov 5, 2023

    Option-click tooltab activates tooltab and switches to assigned layer

    What is if the tooltab is already open? You don't remember which layer you are at, or don't remember to look at the selected layer, e.g. in the viewer 

    What happens with this tool tab if you select another layer which does, or does not, have a tooltab assigned, e.g. 5 minutes later?


  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2023


    Your idea of a dynamic tooltab is a very interesting approach which would support my workflow as well. Nice!

    I thought a bit more about my idea and tried to simplify it:

    - Assign a layer to tooltab
    - Normal click action on tooltab activates the tooltab for currently selected layer (current behaviour)
    - Option-click tooltab activates tooltab and switches to assigned layer


    Yes, I had that thought about more support requests too. It shouldn't add more complexity just a bit of functionality. Thanks for listening and comments.

  • Brian Jordan
    Nov 5, 2023

    I think it'll help with our suggestions if we all try envision how Capture One might teach a user to use this new functionality.  Remember, it's YouTube videos and trial and error.  This sounds like it would result in more support tickets than satisfied users.

  • Grant Perkins
    Nov 4, 2023

    Hi Ruggero,

    How about this as an interim suggestion.

    For each layer make it possible to have a dedicated panel available for display or not, according to user choice, that presents all of the tools used on the actively selected layer. 

    Allow the panel to be identified in some way - perhaps colour coded with a different colour for each layer. (Yes, I can see some logic challenges there but it's just a suggestion).

    When the panel is visible the UI design should make a visual connection of some sort to the active layer and promote the name of the layer for the user's attention.

    The idea here, with or without the "colour" association, is to provide, for those who wish to use it, a visual prompt that in some way - even simply a cursory check of the tools listed - helps the user to decide whether or not they are on the layer they intend to editing.

    It may simply be enough to see the layer has on one associated tool if one is subconsciously expecting to see 4 for example.

    This outline suggestion clearly needs a lot of refinement to be practical. I know it has flaws, not the least being the need to avoid obstructing screen space with another panel to display.


  • Guest
    Nov 4, 2023

    Hi SFA

    Yes, thanks, I see what you mean and it's very interesting to get feedback on an idea so fast.

    I would only allow this feature on a custom tool tab and maybe even on one custom mask in order that no one messes up C1's base funcionality.

    As multiple instances of tools can be added to multiple tabs, my addition would not restrict anybody. I would not want force anything on anybody either.

    Just a possibility to link a custom tooltab to a specific layer. Leave everything else as it is. The ones who use this combination will know what they do, all others won't feel any difference.

    One consequence would be that no other layer could use that specific tooltab. But as said, the tools might be be made available in other tabs. So no restrictions here either. But I can see this could overcomplicate things.

    Well, maybe I am overthinking this. I just should keep a better eye on what mask I'm currently working on... ;)





  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 4, 2023

    I agree with SFA. Capture One markets itself as being super flexible.

  • Grant Perkins
    Nov 4, 2023


    Are you sure you would never need to use the same tool to make adjustments in multiple layers?

    From your description, my understanding of your suggestion suggests that certain tools would be restricted for use in only one specific layer. That seems quite restrictive when considering how some tools might be used.

    You could, of course, make some exceptions to the rule. But in that case, the rule becomes imperfect and so probably redundant.

    I could see a solution that worked by forcing the selection of a layer before opening a tool that was not already active in that layer thereby eliminating some errors of application. However, that process and the need to confirm adding a tool to the layer, would not be very helpful when seeking a smooth, rapid workflow.

    One would then need to have separate instances of each tool for every layer in which it was active?

    I see the idea and it's quite a reasonable suggestion but how it could be made to work in a broadly usable way is, to me, not obvious.