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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 23, 2023

Crop short keys

What problem do you see this solving?

Speed and efficiency when cropping

I would love to see hot keys when Crop tool is selected.

Esc = to reset crop

Alt / Option = to make the crop unconstrained

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every day

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

4 clicks in windows to access unconstrained is tedious

  • Grant Perkins
    Oct 25, 2023

    Good point.

    The "Rotate Snap" shortcut seems to be useful for that. (Now I have looked at it for a few minutes I think it may offer what you seek as an instantly available option.)

  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2023

    I understand there is a separate rotation tool but really, rotation can be done with the crop tool. Would be nice to have the reset crop reset rotation too.

  • Grant Perkins
    Oct 24, 2023


    Rotation is a different tool requiring its own reset.

    If the rotation tool is open there is a reset icon or one can double-click on the slider.

    I don't think there is another way to reset it currently. Also beware of crop/rotation that has come about from lens correction, auto-rotation or keystone adjustments, all of which might be a little more difficult to recover to exactly the way they were if reset accidentally.

    By the way, there is also a Reset Crop Keyboard shortcut definition available. No default key combination is defined for it.

    I have also noticed a shortcut for "Rotate Snap". This seems to "Snap" a rotated crop to horizontal or vertical  depending on its current state. If combined with a subsequent crop reset it might be useable for resetting the rotation although success in that might depend on use case.

  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2023

    I did not know about the double-click to reset crop. That's great although it does not appear to reset rotation.

    I still would like to see a shortcut to quickly access unconstrained crop.


  • Grant Perkins
    Oct 23, 2023


    Rest to No crop at all? Or reset to the last crop used?

    Reset to no crop can be achieved by double-clicking the image outside the cropped area.

    I think it may also be necessary to decide the "rules" for retaining or discarding any lens correction crop, what to do when the default option is "Output" (i.e. crop to output recipe settings) and have some consideration of any impact on the effects of rotation.

    There are probably some other things I have overlooked.

    I support the idea in principle, subject to considering the points above.

    My only other fear is that the shortcuts list is becoming extremely long and I suspect that the average user uses just a fraction of the options available. It may be time to re-assess the purpose and, perhaps, make it easier for users to create and use their own shortcuts as required. Maybe retain just a key  - "almost everyone uses them" - keys or combinations just to make the entire facility less daunting for those, like me, whose brains are less attuned to the world of keyboard shortcuts and similar command generation methods. 

    (I don't really get in with Voice Commands either, although I am sure there are people who do.)