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is there a way to arrange Sliders as the default tab menu after pressing right button when Keystone selected? In older versions when I press right button I can directly arrange vertical-horizantal sliders. Now I must press an extra button and select the Sliders tab.

  • Ian Wilson
    Oct 8, 2023

    I think the thing is that before Capture One 22 release 15.2, there was no auto keystone, so of course the tool opened with the sliders immediately accessible. For myself, I am happy with the way art works now, but I can see that if you always wanted to work with the sliders for yourself as the first step, then you would prefer it to start with that. So you might think that the tool opening at the tab you last used it at would be advantageous. One the other hand, if you generally start with the auto tab and only resort to the sliders sometimes, then you might prefer that even if you used the sliders last time, that it would open on the other tab next time. Awkward design choice, perhaps?


  • BeO O
    Oct 8, 2023

    So, you can open the menu and then the tab Guides is shown, you can select tab Sliders. Next time you open the context menu Guides is shown again, and you need to go the extra step to select tab Sliders again. It does not remember the tab.

    In my version 22 it behaves the same, so when you say "older versions" which do you mean? I don't remember as I don't use that context menu (because I forgot that it exists). Also, this is the only tool which has tabs.

    Not sure what my advice is now, if you can tell in which version it remembered the tab then you could report a bug (Request Support on top of this page). Not sure if and when C1 would solve this, and Request Support requires attachments. 

    Or, you can just keep this post here in "Improve Capture One", but it has a better chance to be considered as an improvement if you re-format your post according this template:

  • Guest
    Oct 8, 2023

    Yes. At that menu first option is Guides, seond one is Sliders. I don’t use Guides. 23 pro,

  • BeO O
    Oct 8, 2023

    You mean the context menu opened with the right mouse button, right?

    Which version are you using? (Exact build number, menu Help>About).

    Consider reporting a bug.