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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Thomas Kyhn
Created on Oct 1, 2023

Visualize spots option

What problem do you see this solving?

While Capture One's Dust Removal tool is useful, it doesn't remove every kind of spot, fleck or blemish, and it's still necessary to check everything manually by zooming in to at least 100% and going over every area of an image, which is unnecessarily time-consuming. And even if the Dust Removal tool were to be improved, you would still have to check manually that nothing had been missed. An option to visualize spots would make this a lot easier.

Lightroom has one that looks like this (with a sensitivity slider at the bottom):

Below are a few examples of what the Dust Removal tool does not detect/remove:

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Almost every time I use Capture One.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

I've previously posted a workaround here; it's in no way convenient, but it makes it easier to see spots.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Oct 14, 2023

    Yes, the sine wave curve tends to turn images into something of a psychedelic mess.

    The luma curve you suggested, on the other hand, works really well, and it's easier to use than the method I used before.

  • BeO O
    Oct 13, 2023

    Quite colorful, the sine wave method.

    Maybe it works well but one shouldn't do any serious color work afterwards for quite some time until the cones in the eye's retina have rebuild the chemicals used up while doing the heal work, otherwise one can expect color shifts in the images  :-)))

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Oct 13, 2023


    Thanks. I've tried his sine wave method earlier but didn't really find it that useful. With 369260519517's method here it's easier to see what's what in the image you're working on.

  • BeO O
    Oct 8, 2023

    +1, a visualize option would be a very useful tool.

  • Guest
    Oct 8, 2023

    I am totally with you, Thomas. The issue needs to be addressed.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Oct 1, 2023

    Here are some more examples of things that aren't removed by the Dust Removal tool. (And the point is not that they should be removed by the Dust Removal tool, but that the Dust Removal tool cannot replace a spot visualization option.)

  • Brian Jordan
    Oct 1, 2023

    In the meantime, Paul Reiffer has a work around for this here:

  • +5