Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.
What problem do you see this solving?
Coming from Lightroom, I often used to blur regions of a photo.
• Mostly just on the vignette/peripheral zone to direct the viewer to the sharp center of the scene
• sometimes I need to quickly "unsharpen" and darken regions where the camera gear is still recognizable.
• when I realize that the background cloth is too wrinkled or stained
In Lightroom I can simply set the "sharpness" to a negative value (-100) regardless if I use a brush or the gradient mask. In CaptureOne I can only enter positive values...
I understand that CaptureOne should not be the tool to alter photos unrealistically but as a photographer I would consider a simple blurring of regions to be still appropriate and true to reality.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Current workaround
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One? I would have to roundtrip hundreds of photos through Affinity Photo just because there were stains on the floor that are to big to clone/repair... |
A blur effect would be extremly helpful. But in addition to that, a brush to blur/ to smear layer masks would be extremly helpful, because if you limted to a brush and an eraser this really limits the creative posibilities.
Add blur already. What is the problem
This is essential for real estate photography where personal information needs to be blured out of a shot.
FWIW, choosing negative values for both "Clarity" and "Structure" achieves blurring effects.
I agree, though, that a different blurring approach should be available (e.g., Gaussian blur).
Please add a blur tool.
I was surprised to find there isn't one already.
i made a post about defocus & motion blur tools that got archived and was told to upvote this post. i believe my request was different enough but i'll mention again here.
the types of blurs i'm looking for would enhance or increase what can be done optically or in camera. applied in various ways; through a brush or radial & linear gradient.
example: directional/radial/zoom blurs to enhance motion from a slow shutter; defocus/bokeh blur to decrease depth of field; gaussian blur enhances lens vignette, hides moire & aliasing.
summary: add a variety of blur styles to enhance photographic techniques applied through the existing layer mask tools.
It will be useful tool to enhance long exposure and vignette etc..
Just Gaussian Blurr mechanism is good enough...
It would be a great tool.
It's been two months and this request has not been labelled yet.
Yes, I need a blur tool too, for portrait or landscape.
Agreed, this would be a very useful addition