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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 15, 2023


I've asked for this before, but it's really getting on my nerves recently... PLEASE move the counter reset and set counter options to useful places. Having them in the file menu is not only completely counter-intuitive but a waste of time. Here is what needs to happen:

Capture - Put it in the capture tool

Import - Put it in the import dialogue

Output - Put it in the output tool

Export - Put it in the export dialog

Rename - Put it in the rename dialog

That way, when we actually need to access it, it's in the right place.

This is the sort of thing that happens when programmers design UIs. It needs to be fixed.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Sep 15, 2023

    Yes, this is weird; I work on counters using options from "..." on the relevant tools, so while the additional access could be useful, it's awkwardly placed and does not match features grouped under FILE menu - which is overloaded.

  • Jack Williams
    Sep 15, 2023

    Hi 372060541238 –  I've moved your post to the feature request section of the forum, as the area you originally posted in (Community Feedback) pertains to feedback about the forum itself. Hope that's ok!

    We also usually require a template for feature requests, but it doesn't seem like a good experience to have you rewrite your request, as it's pretty clear anyway. 

    Thanks for the feedback and hope to welcome you back onto the forum another time. :) 

  • +3