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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

please develop API for the Windows version of Capture One

What problem do you see this solving?

Enable better usability for peripherals like Loupedeck and Stream Deck.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Recently tried using Loupedeck Live device with Capture One 23 in Windows. Rather limited functionality because all actions must be based on shortcuts rather than API. Envious that Capture One Mac OS and Adobe software users get the benefit of API integration with such peripherals. Capture One seems to be behind in this area. Reference:

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Speed edits in Capture One are tolerable, but using peripherals like Loupedeck and Stream Deck would be great.

  • Cathy Saxton
    Jan 22, 2025

    It would be great to have an API that supports setting all of the adjustments available via Speed Edit. Without an API, I know some of the adjustments can be assigned to shortcuts, but they step in larger increments and not all commands are available.

    I'm using a Loupedeck Live and have written a custom plugin so I can use it to edit in Capture One. It's so nice to be able to use the knobs to make adjustments, but it's a bit more of a hack than I'd like, simulating the Speed Edit with keypresses. An official API would be much nicer, more robust.

  • Luca Gaidano
    Aug 27, 2024

    It would be very useful if they implemented APIs or scripts in Windows in order to manage both the actions and all external devices. In the meantime, it would be useful if shortcut profiles could be exported or imported to help customers use and support these devices, perhaps by inserting them on some pages of the support site

  • Guest
    Feb 19, 2024

    @Okular, you are correct and I have edited my previous comment to roll my criticism back a bit and be more fair. The functionality isn't horrible across the board, but there are some controls (dials/wheels) that don't work as smoothly as I would like. I'm sure I could adapt over time, but I'm finding it problematic at the moment. Have you simply gotten used to the beaviors or found a better way to handle them? If you have any tips or suggestions, I'd be happy to learn from your experiences.

    For anyone else who may see this, single action button keypresses work as expected, I've had no issues there. For example, toggling an option on/off (like before/after) or entering a specific keyboard shortcut to perform a single action.  However, some controls such as dials or scroll wheels, need to rely on the entry of multiple keypress to make them work vs direct access to the underlying controls.  So instead of directly increasing/decreasing the value of an adjustment in one smooth action, as if you clicked a slider with the mouse and drag it back and forth, they need to register multiple keypresses for every +/- entered via the spin or turn of the control. This makes them less responsive and also results in an extensive history so you cannot simply undo the "overall" change like you may be used to because it registers every keypress increment from your starting point to where you ultimately ended up.

  • Carsten Skodell
    Feb 19, 2024

    Well, I would not call it horrible (using Loupedeck+ myself) but a native API is of course the better solution, since the shortcut workaround might be limited.

  • Guest
    Feb 19, 2024

    I came here for the same reason.  The functionality within Capture One Pro for Windows is not optimal (primarily dials/scroll wheels) because of this limitation. Please release an API so that hardware developers such as Loupedeck can better integrate with your software within Windows. Doing so would help allow the hardware devices to have a more seamless integration with your software and further boost productivity.

  • Guest
    Sep 10, 2023

    I would also like to know if C1 will be releasing the API for windows - functionality with Loupedeck etc is limited to shortcuts and can be very clunky/slow 

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