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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 13, 2023

Esc key cancels currently used (cursor) tool

What problem do you see this solving?

Pressing Esc key on the keyboard cancels your currently selected tool ie. if your using crop, press Esc and you are out of crop mode etc

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool

all the time

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Have to manually deselect tools or use different shortcuts for each tool

  • Ian Wilson
    Jun 14, 2023

    So if I understand correctly what you want is to (say) be using one of the eyedropper tools (as highlighted in your screen shot) and when you have done what you wanted (picked a white balance for example) you press Esc, and the eyedropper tool is no longer active? What do you want it to change to? The Hand tool? (Generally speaking that is what I would want - and I just press H. The hand tool being my default cursor choice.)

    What I don't want, for sure, is what happens in Lightroom when I have tried it. I use the eyedropper tool to pick a white balance, and after I have clicked it once it is no longer active, so that if I decide that I clicked the wrong spot to get my result and want to try another one I have to activate the tool again. There seems to be no way to just keep clicking around until I get a result I like. But maybe I don't know how to use LR properly, as I only occasionally dabble with it.

    All of which is a bit of a long-winded way of saying that you need to make it clearer what you want to happen.


  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2023

    Sorry Ian, I wasn't very clear about which tools i am talking about, i meant the cursor tools 

  • Ian Wilson
    Jun 13, 2023

    Well, yes, but for most tools, once you have used one you want to move on to another until you are done, don't you? I agree that for things like crop or rotate you want to move out of that tool and see the effect of it. But for most things (exposure, colour editor, colour balance, or whatever) you would just move on to the next tool you want anyway. 

    And I am still not sure what you are saying. Are you saying that it does work like this and you don't like it, or that it doesn't work like this and you want it to?


  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2023

    Hi Ian,
    Not just the crop tool, any tool you are currently using: crop, straighten etc

  • Ian Wilson
    Jun 13, 2023

    Do you mean that Esc does cancel the crop tool, or that you would like it to?

    Did you know that if you are using the crop tool and press Enter it should exit the crop tool? At least I thought they had changed it so that it did, and the article here 

    says it does, but I have just tried it and can't get it t work! (MacBook Pro)
