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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 9, 2023

Add "All" "Adjusted" and "None" buttons to adjustments clipboard.

What problem do you see this solving?

When copying adjustments from one image to another, the default selection in the clipboard is 'Adjusted' so anything you have adjusted in the first image is copied into the second image.

Sometimes you don't want to copy only 'adjusted' adjustments, you may want to copy just a few adjustments, such as a single adjustment layer, or most of the adjustments except the layers. Currently it is possible to select 'all' or 'no' adjustments using the menu but it takes a few extra clicks going to the three dots menu at the top right. However if you use the adjustments clipboard that pops up when you press 'copy and apply', the three dot menu is not present and the 'all' and none' options are not present at all.

Please add some easy access buttons to the adjustments clipboard (however you access it) with the options 'All', 'Adjusted' and 'Clear' (or similar), this way it would be easy to select just a few adjustments or most adjustments without having to go deeper into menu's.

There could be another (fourth) button to 'replicate layer stack', or similar so that layers are not just applied as additional layers at the risk of doubling up the same layers, but can be copied in their entirety to replace the whole stack at the destination image . At the end of the day, the solution needs to be quick, flexible and intuitive.

In the past I have accidentally applied multiple copies of the same adjustment layer onto other images because layers are added & not replaced, this was counter-intuitive to me, especially if both layers are the same. There should be an easy, intuitive way to either add the copied layers on top, or replace the existing layer stack.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Quite often when copying adjustments of different types.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Instead of using the 'copy and apply' button, which is easy to access, I have to use the adjustments clipboard. I have now added a floating adjustments clipboard to the top of my screen to see how that goes but it would be much easier if that wasn't required and 'copy and apply' just had the options it needed to make things easy.

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