Focus stacking in C1 without third party software?
What problem do you see this solving? Describe the problem or issue you are having in Capture One. Think about what it is that you're trying to achieve, and the reason why you are trying to do it. It would great to see C1 include focus stacking Ai...
More Layers and/or more than one parametric mask per layer
What problem do you see this solving? With complex dodge/burn and other adjustments, one quickly runs out of the ability to add more layers (I think 25 is the max). This is all the more needed since one can only apply a single parametric mask per ...
What problem do you see this solving? Magic brush and eraser are sometimes a bit too unprecise. Please see below for suggested improvements. My suggestions: I find the magic brush and eraser fairly good but in some pictures, when there are similar...
Est-il possible de travailler avec une même licence, sur un même ordinateur fonctionnant sous Mas et Win 11 ? une licence, un poste, deus versions de C1. Merci
I have found that Capture One has become pretty good with masking/selections, it would be nice to designate a mask layer as an Alpha channel and then be able to export an image with transparency. It would be great for basic product shots etc and s...
I would like to ask when Capture One will tethering support for Panasonic Lumix S1r? I'm a Capture One user since 2005 using phase one. In 2019 I switched to the lumix S1r and I feel sad that I don't have the connection of my camera with capture o...
2 parts - -allow the second viewer to be "pinned" to a specific image so I can do A-B comparison using 2 monitors (LR allows this)-allow 2nd viewer to show results of crop etc - example,currently when cropping, the cropping box is shown in both wi...
Numerically enter curve adjustment values for colors R, G, B
I can edit skin color in Ps by bringing up a curve adjustment layer on a selected area of skin and entering R, G, & B values numerically. ("") I can do the same in Capture One, but I must move a graph line ar...
Missing Access to Fujifilm Film Simulation EXIF Metadata
As a Fuji X user, I depend upon being able to view the specific Fujifilm film simulation used for an image file within C1P for organizational and informational purposes. I know this information is available, as shown below. P Thanks,Gary