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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.


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Showing 1880

Create a Select None and Select All categories when copying and applying

It would really speed up the copying and applying if we didn't have to click all the checkboxes during this process. Lightroom has a "select all" and "select none" option at the bottom of the checkbox options which really speeds this up.
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

HDR editing and display

What problem do you see this solving? Have a new Asus monitor that is Displayed HDR 1000 Certified, but Capture One does not support this technology. I see Lightroom now does. When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality,...
Patrick Kelley over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 11 Awaiting review

Ability to resize images without exporting them

I would like to be able to adjust an image's physical dimensions (size), without having to export the image. Similarly to Photoshop's Image => Image Size feature. This ...
Michael Spyratos 6 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

Improve Shortcut Feedback Opacity/Flow Brush and other

I wanted to point out that if you use the keyboard shortcuts for the brush, for the flow and for the opacity, you do not get any feedback regarding the reduction or increase. For example, using these shortcuts Up : Ctrl+Alt+SHIFT+Oem6 Down Ctrl+Al...
Luca Gaidano 6 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 1 Awaiting review

An option to make the scroll bar bigger.

What problem do you see this solving? I have regularly had difficulty with placing my cursor on the right spot for scrolling either down the tools (and back up again) and likewise in the browser because the column is narrow and doesn't stand out c...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 13 Awaiting review

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ70

No description provided
Guest over 1 year ago in Camera and lens requests / Cameras 0 Unlikely to implement

Subject / Background mask creation progress dialog: Make it non-blocking so I can continue to work with C1

What problem do you see this solving? If I create AI masks for many images it can take a lot of time. I want to continue working with C1 on either the same images (e.g. keywording, or even image layer adjustments), or at least on other images, it ...
BeO O over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Awaiting review

Activity list (during export) is split into list of tasks

I noticed something that competition has and is missing currently.When I export a couple of groups of pictures (let say, model 1, then model 2), the activity panel reports the export of everything as a single "group". It would be great to see sepa...
FirstName LastName 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

External database backup or stable app

I used Capture one mobile for the past week since it has the abilitly to culling files offline and even the need to use an external drive after import. I usually work on the go with no wifi around to upload hundreds of gigabytes of data(per shoot)...
Karsten Flögel 6 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 2 Awaiting review

Allow discontinuous selections of image thumbnails in the Browser window.

What problem do you see this solving? Throughout almost all of the Mac interface, I can make a selection of contiguous objects, then hold Command to add a discontinuous object, and then Shift to extend that second group. In the Capture One Browser...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 9 Awaiting review