Anamorphic lens photography requires the image to be desqueezed. (commonly by a factor of 1.33x to 2x) I've found multiple threads requesting this feature online: See multiple comments from users:
Cull by image "status" e.g. out of focus, over-exposed – improve culling
When culling (deleting, sorting, selecting images) it would be really cool if there was a way to filter by "out of focus" and "over-exposed" just as an example – could be built upon further. Maybe the paramaters could be user-defined or in a ...
In the same way we can apply Match Look as a new layer, I'd very much appreciate if we could apply the Black and White function as a new layer too. Personally I currently use this way in Affinity Photo or Photoshop to desaturate my images by tunin...
I know this has made the rounds on this forum over the years, but I'd just like to add a fresh request. May we please have a fully integrated focus stacking tool?
Use AI to analyse an image and generate a graduated depth mask to allow effects to be applied in a smooth way according to the caluclated depth that items appear in the image.
Please add a feature to select a person AI mask for only one person, and not automatically for all people in the photo.
Like it is possible in LR today.
Please allow for Bluetooth keyboard support for this app to be able to toggle and rate images with phisical keys. Live for iPad has answered the prayers of a lot of us in the field looking for additional display solutions on the job, and it’s stab...
Are you planning an update to give the ability to work completely with CaptureOne Mobile on an external SSD? I have tens of thousands of photos from the last 16-18 years and being able to import the entire archive to an external drive - not the in...