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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.


My ideas

Showing 169

Auto-delete old catalog backups option

I backup my catalog weekly. Over time the backups pile up on the hard drive and take up a lot of space. It would be nice if there was an option in the backup dialogue to automatically delete backups older than x upon completion of the current back...
Adam Isler 7 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 3 Future consideration

Properly Clean Up Batch Queue Folders

Capture One does not properly clean out batch queue folders. the current batch queue folder grows without bounds batch queue folders associated with prior versions are not deleted When we "Clear Batch History" Capture One should clean out the curr...
Walter Rowe 7 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Future consideration

CaptureOne catalogue on an external drive

Are you planning an update to give the ability to work completely with CaptureOne Mobile on an external SSD? I have tens of thousands of photos from the last 16-18 years and being able to import the entire archive to an external drive - not the in...
Guest about 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 6 Future consideration

AI-Selected Healing Mask

The current Healing Mask Brush is circular, virtually everything I ever want to mask out of an image is not circular. It would be great to be able to choose an object in the image via AI-Selection, in the same way that the AI-Select brush works. A...
Steve Kelly 9 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Future consideration

Please make it possible to dynamically / non-destructively define a Color Range, as it is already possible with Luma Range.

What problem do you see this solving? It should be possible to dynamically / non-destructively set a Color Range, as is currently possible with Color Range, so that the current layer only affects it. Currently, "Create Masked Layer From Selection"...
Guest about 2 years ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 54 Future consideration

ability to move browser to 2nd monitor

I would like to have the option, on a windows pc to move the browser to a 2nd monitor
Bart Keppens about 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Future consideration

"blur brush" or simply negative sharpening value needed

What problem do you see this solving? Coming from Lightroom, I often used to blur regions of a photo. • Mostly just on the vignette/peripheral zone to direct the viewer to the sharp center of the scene • sometimes I need to quickly "unsharpen" and...
Wolfgang Stoiber almost 2 years ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 12 Future consideration

iPad support for catalog or sessions

I use iPad for years now to create photographs. I used the Adobe mobile system because there was no C1 option available but their cloud enforcement is not working for me, I need a good Hard Disk environment and Adobe forces me to use a cloud. i ha...
Roeland van Basten Batenburg 10 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 3 Future consideration

Compare two or more images side-by-side

I am a portrait photographer. When I use the desktop version, it is always helpful to put multiple images side by side to help the client compare and pick the image they love to have retouched. Would love that on the iPad version.
Jeffrey Rosenberg 12 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 2 Future consideration

Identify the point of focus for each image

What problem do you see this solving? My request is not to solve a problem, but rather to make a valuable enhancement to Capture One. I would like to have a tool that with a click of a button would show me the point where I focused when I took eac...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 6 Future consideration