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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.


Feature requests

Showing 1342

Move the content of a mask from one picture to another

I like your AI masking function, but would prefer if this could be extended. M y idea is to move the content, which means If I've a bird on picture 1 and an airplane in picture 2 I would like to move the bird to the picture of the airplane or vice...
Kurt Wieser 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

Automatically reset export counter

Please add a checkbox to the export dialogue so that the export counter resets to 1 after each export. It is infuriating having to click through to reset the counter after each export and I cannot think of a single use case why automatically reset...
Chris Henry 5 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Please prevent Custom Styles Menu closing on shutdown.

By default, this menu always closes when you leave C1.This is extremely annoying as it's always my second stop in workflow.Why this page changes at all at shutdown is beyond me, it's a preference and no one needs their Workspace changed by C1. Jus...
Ron Poelman 2 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

Changing name of shared live sessions or catalogues.

When sharing the 'Capture" folder from a session or Catalog live , the name should default to the session or catalog name or have the option to change it. I find when I share multiple sessions the notifications always say Capture has comments/tags...
Steve Montgomery 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Live 0 Awaiting review

Add keyboard shortcuts for Tint adjustments of 0.1

Currently you can only use keyboard shortcuts to adjust the Tint +/- 1.0 at a time. This is often too drastic of a change, especially when dealing with odd / mixed lighting in shots. I use various interfaces to edit in C1 and bind these settings t...
David Green 22 days ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Drag&Drop images from a DAM like PhotoMechanic+, digikam (or others) to C1

When using a Digital Asset Management (DAM) or photo library of any kind for my raw files (and image exports), I often search for specific images in the DAM and want to open and edit the images from the search result in C1. Because I can select im...
BeO O 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

changing a setting should effect all selected files

If I have a bunch of files selected and edit selected is on, to me it would make sense that changing a setting would effect all selected files. This not the case now, I am forced to use the adjustment clipboard and that to me is an extra unesserry...
Thomas Rostowski 9 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 10 Awaiting review

Checkbox to turn on and off Adjustment Tools

May we have a checkbox to view/turn on & off an adjustment tool instead of holding Option key and click holding Reset please?! This would allow continuous one handed operation. The current method is bothersome and laggy. Also, we can only see ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 9 Awaiting review

Mark image for deletion when rating images

When I have imported images, I go through. tem giving a 1 star rating, then go thruogh the 1 stars to give 2 and so on until I have a set to use. I'd like to be able to give some images a 'x' rating, so that I can quickly collect togather delete n...
Jonathan Duckworth 9 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 3 Awaiting review

Import Recipes

Please give us the option to make import recipes simular to export recipes.There are a lot of things you can change before importing some pictures.It would be easy if you could save it and select it if needed.
Jonas Willebrords 5 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review