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Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
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Created on Jul 11, 2024

DCP Profile Support

I wrote in a while back suggesting an integrated DCP/ ICC profiling tool. I understand this is unlikely to happen any time soon.

ICC profiling using SpectraCore and BasICColor work great for 2 dimensional reproduction work however they fail when shooting anything else. Calibrite's software ICC profiles work better in 3 dimensional images although their profiles doesn't procuce true colors (reds are always too cool). DCP profiles made in SpectraCore work very well because those profiles are applied at a much earlier point than ICC profiles.

How about adding DCP profile support to Capture One.

Current workaround

To be honest, after nearly a decade of using Capture One exclusively I've recently switched back to Lightroom CC for their DCP profile support. That said, I would much prefer to come back to Capture One.

  • Łukasz Gałecki
    Jul 13, 2024

    Does Lightroom supports ICC? No, becouse it’s engine works around DCP concept. The same is with Capture One, its engine works around ICC so no DCP unless they rewrite core part of software to support both. By the way color profiling by the book is difficult for 3d objects. Have you read FADGI guidelines? Good read if you want to understand why making color profiles(ones that actually give accurate ,not just nicer color) of any kind for 3d objects is difficult and hardly doable using standard 2d color charts.

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