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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by phillip murphy
Created on Jul 30, 2024

Path To File Screen Display

File Selection From Smart Album Image Path

have a 5 star, would be same, in 'any stars' smart album with multiple folders in given catalog

we have some 15 folders from each a different event in 'catalog'

We need a way to see exactly what folder selected 5 star filter image is in..

>>In logic of app presentation see path to selected image from smart filter<<

perhaps display this information top next to color readout?
Screen Bottom?

We Have....

... click on any image in 5star smart album filter

This presents images all 5 star from all 15 import folders in catalog 5 stars

need a faultless, easy way to see exactly wha† folder the selected image is in

screen shot of one of the 5 star images, selected from the smart filter

the workaround for this?

cumbersome - right-click the image on the side (i.e. Browser) and select Show in Library, this will show what exact folder the image is in, from

a great many thanks


Current workaround

he workaround for this?
cumbersome - right-click the image on the side (i.e. Browser) and select Show in Library, this will show what exact folder the image is in, from