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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Eric Valk
Created on Jan 8, 2024

App Note or FAQ for Applescript programming for renamed Capture One

A few weeks ago I upgraded from Capture One 16.2.x to 16.3.x and most of my scripts broke. I spent a few difficult days discovering that the source of the problem was that I renamed the application to “Capture One 16.3”, and I devised a way to write the script that is robust against this. I have written this up in the “Development and Automation-Scripting” forum in this post:

This is not a request that Capture One fix this as a problem, I think a fix would create more difficulties than it solves.

However I think there should be an an app note or FAQ on this that could be based on my posting in the“Development and Automation-Scripting” forum.

  • Eric Valk
    Jan 9, 2024

    If you change the app name it typically does not cause a problem because your compiler or release process seems to match the Capture One process name to the File name on installation. I think this key to prevent the typical user from having a problem.
    I note that versions before 16.3 used “Capture One 23”, versions 16.3 and later use “Capture One” for both application name and process name.
    This hasn’t caused a problem as the two names are matched, and Applescript seems to seamlessly adapt to whatever version of Capture One is running (as long as the two names are matched)

  • Jack Williams
    Jan 9, 2024

    HI 369793456837 – we can include a line in the release notes moving forward that states changing the name of the application can cause this behaviour. It can also happen if we change the app name, so there is also a responsibility on us to at least include a line or two about it.

    Thanks for the post and for letting us know :)