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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 9, 2023

Printing Paper simulation

What problem do you see this solving?

I am using an Eizo monitor and software that allows me to set a profile specifically for printing. I specify a white and black point to simulate the 200:1 contrast ratio close to that of the paper I use. When soft proofing it is not my usual way in Photoshop to "simulate paper contrast" .aka the sludge cover and to rather allow my profile to handle this . Could we not provide a check box in Capture One Pro print module that removes the " sludge " but retains the inclusion of the ICC rendering to simulate the paper ?

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

I would pass to Photoshop to print and soft proof as this " sludge" is annoying and counter productive for me

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

  • BeO O
    Dec 15, 2023

    The problem with this Eizo video is that it does not explain, not even mention, how to do softproofing with editing software in combination with the simulated contrast ratio via the PRINT color mode. 

    On the other hand, every information about softproofing I know, specific monitor settings are never mentioned either. So there is a lack of information, a misssing link, between the two, hardware and software proofing methods.

    I do use Color Navigator myself, but not Photoshop. Which "check box in"  Photoshop "that removes the " sludge " but retains the inclusion of the ICC  rendering to simulate the paper"  are you talking about? 


  • Guest
    Dec 13, 2023

    @ Walter -   yes but being able to click through whilst watching a soft proof gives the ability to select visually which despite the maths is what it is all about .

  • Guest
    Dec 13, 2023

    Options as those in Photoshop soft proof.... aka View/Proof Colours    where on is able to select all options. If you have not printed understanding might be difficult.   Try ---   watch from 24.47

  • BeO O
    Dec 12, 2023

    Hi Ken,

    Can you link to the Eizo recommendation you are referring to? 

    And which of the Photoshop soft proofing options are looking for in C1?


  • Guest
    Dec 11, 2023

    Yes I do have an A2 printer ands  this is my intent , or should I say is something I do using Photoshop  to drive the prints. The soft proof option there offers many options.  I have printed for quite a while, and moderate a Printing group on the web .  

  • BeO O
    Dec 11, 2023

    "rendering intent" in preferences is probably used for all color space conversions, i.e. from internal (or camera) space to monitor profile and also for exporting to files.

    The printer dialog though has its own rendering intent setting.

    My understanding is that Ken wants to print using his own printer, which I never did, so the printing dialog is beyond my experience (and beyond my feature request).

    However what I can say is that (unlike simulate paper white or media white) I have never seen or heard of "simulate paper contrast" as an option to switch on or off. So I guess it is part of the printer profile itself and cannot be deactivated, and maybe doesn't need to.


  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 11, 2023

    Saturation, Absolute, Perceptual, Relative are standard "rendering intent" options in most applications.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 11, 2023

    How is C1 simulating paper contrast for proofing and can that be turned off or unchecked ?

    According to 369260519517 (I don't have a printer, so can't test printing features obviously), there is supposed to be no simulation at all:

    My printing service is explicitly discouraging its customers from using C1 for softproofing, because the softproof function is missing black point compensation and simulation of paper white, as is recommended for some of their (very popular) papers. 

    Only rendering intent can be set but only in the preferences, which is no allowing me to compare different papers by switching if the intent differs.

    I have found this "rendering intent" and it does not even seem related to printing, as it has selection like "saturation" or "perceptual" and resides in the Color tab, which suggests rather being related to monitor display (not like I saw any difference when switching between available selections).

  • Guest
    Dec 11, 2023

    Raymond, the request was generated on the template I found via support request ......Sludge, is the descriptive for the veil of contrast reduction added to an image to simulate the paper contrast  reduction.  In Photoshop there are a series of check boxes in the profile simulation area that allow you to select which items of the simulation you wish to view. Black point, rendering intent and simulate paper white.   The latter I always uncheck because I have a monitor profile that by using the black point ( user selected) and white point ( user selected)  the screen is adjusted to a 200:1 contrast ratio for proofing for print. This way the contrast reduction is achieved outside of the proofing profile.    Additionally I could not see any out of gamut simulation in the proofing of C1.   How is C1 simulating paper contrast for proofing and can that be turned off or unchecked ?

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 10, 2023

    As 378474658737 suggests, I might have been mislead by "sludge" and lack of experience related to printing, not to mention accidentally "gearing up" for another poster that has completely missed the mark. Sorry. Handing this over.

  • Raymond Harrison
    Dec 10, 2023

    I don’t think anyone is decrying your request, just to ask you to use the requested template. It’s what C1 asks you to use.

    “Sludge” isn’t as useful a description as I’d personally like. Can you be more descriptive? Maybe describe your workflow?

  • Guest
    Dec 10, 2023

    Sorry my request is quite different , I don't want to add anything , I just want to be able to DESELECT the simulate paper as far as the "sludge" simulation destroys my print process.  Please follow Eizo suggestions on monitor profile creation for printing as to allow this created profile to do the work giving you a clear and clean soft proof of the icc profile.     Please don't decry my request because you don't understand it ... rather ask me and I can forward info for you .

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 9, 2023