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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Paulo Barbuto
Created on Nov 14, 2023

Speed Edit on on Specific Layers on multiple images.

What problem do you see this solving?

If I select multiple images and Edit Selected is active Speed Edit will only work on the base Image Layer. I would like to be able to select multiple images with the background layer selected in all of them, for example, and use Speed Edit to make consistent changes across my selection on a specific layer instead of the Image Layer. Maybe we could have an Edit Selected Layers on/off switch.

Another solution (maybe this is a separate request, let me know please) would be the possibility of copying and pasting only the adjustments from a layer but not the mask from one image layer to another image layer with a different mask.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Whenever I want to darken the background layer across multiple images for example.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

My workaround in his example would be to copy and apply the adjustments, including layers, from one image to another, go to the second image create a second background layer using AI Mask, select the applied background layer from the previous image, and use Copy Mask From... the generated AI Background Mask I just did.

  • Paulo Barbuto
    Nov 14, 2023


    I know all that, I already use Speed Edit on a regular basis. However, what you are suggesting does not apply to my needs because when you have Edit Selected active and a group of images selected as you suggested, speed edit keys will apply an edit to all of them simultaneously but only to the Image Layer (previously called Background Layer) on all images. The only way I can use Speed Edit on a different layer is if I have only one image selected and the specific layer selected.

    That is why I am suggesting an icon similar to Edit Selected, but that would let me apply edits to selected layers on multiple images.

  • Brian Jordan
    Nov 14, 2023

    A couple of things:  

    1) Right click on the style and select "create on new layer" (something similar - I'm not looking at Capture One now) if you want the style adjustment layer separated from the image layer.

    2) If you want to adjust images as a group, you can activate Edit Selected (add the icon to your toolbar or find it under the Images menu option (.....I think.  pretty sure it's there.). Then select all of the images you'd like to darken (or whatever).  Once the Edit Selected mode is active, you can use the speed edit keys to apply an edit to all of them simultaneously.  For instance, hold the S key then use the <- and -> keys to adjust shadows across all the selected images.  S + [spacebar] will reset to 0.  If you aren't familiar with Speed Edit, check here:

    Does that address what you're asking?

  • Paulo Barbuto
    Nov 14, 2023

    However, if you do the edits as you described in your workarounds section then create a style from those edits (including an AI subject mask), you can then apply that style to the next image and the AI subject mask will be applied.  Watch here around the 34 minute mark:

    Thanks Brian, 

    I already have styles that incorporate Subject and Background Mask and Smart Styles, I used this as an example. Let me try to elaborate a little bit more. 

    Let's say I apply my Style to a set of images, and the background layer is created. But now looking at the result I want to darken a little bit more across the set or warm all the background layers. I would have to do it one by one, or am I missing something? Another example I have a set o landscape shots and went ahead and created Sky layers for each of them. I want to be able to look at the six images and use speed edit to apply adjustments to all of the sky layers at the same time, just like I can to the image layer when I have Edit selected active. Does that make sense? English is not my native language, hopefully, I can get my idea across anyway...


  • Brian Jordan
    Nov 14, 2023

    Another solution (maybe this is a separate request, let me know please) would be the possibility of copying and pasting only the adjustments from a layer but not the mask from one image layer to another image layer with a different mask.


    Select layer>>Right click>>Duplicate Layer>>Right click>>Clear mask


    However, if you do the edits as you described in your workarounds section then create a style from those edits (including an AI subject mask), you can then apply that style to the next image and the AI subject mask will be applied.  Watch here around the 34 minute mark: