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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Future consideration
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 28, 2022

Sharpening mask similar to Lightroom

In Lightroom when you adjust the Masking slider for Sharpening while holding the ALT key it will show a black and white overlay with the exact area where the sharpening will be applied.

It would be really useful if Capture One's Sharpening Threshold could do the same to see exactly what areas are being sharpened.

  • FirstName LastName
    Apr 7, 2024

    Yeah the sharpening tools in C1 are now dated and a bit primitive compared to the competitors.

  • Guest
    Sep 29, 2023

    Namaste Prasad,

    I have enquired about this feature several times before but the C1 development team does not seem to care. I am a bit disappointed with C1. They cater far more to fashion and urban photography and far less to nature and wildlife photography. If nothing new and useful for nature and wildlife photography comes out soon, I think I will quit C1 and move to DXO. Derawtizing or demosaicing was my number one reason for choosing C1 over LR, but now the competition is fierce and there are great alternatives.

    The best approach I have found so far with sharpening in C1 is to use 0.4 for Radius and 0.2 for Threshold and then crank up the Amount to bring out fine details. Halo suppression then to taste ...


  • Prasad Palaniyandi
    Sep 29, 2023

    I don't think it is complicated feature to implement. It is such an important and very much useful tool especially for Landscape and Wildlife .... Request C1 to reconsider and implement it...

  • Guest
    Sep 18, 2023

    I agree, this would be very helpful. Along with for noise reduction. Currently, I find myself temporarily using B&W mode, but it's not nearly as effective as the overlays. It's one of the usability touches that I miss.

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Aug 10, 2023

    Hi everyone, 
    Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.

    This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.

    We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.

  • Stephen Caissie
    Nov 1, 2022

    I wouldn’t say it’s a feature that I miss much from LR, but if the engineers could get it to work without breaking the fundamental nature of the sharpening function (or breaking any patents, for that matter), I’d not object.

  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2022

    I would also like that

  • BeO O
    Oct 30, 2022

    Yes indeed this would be a great feature in C1.

  • Jürgen Hügle
    Oct 28, 2022

    Fully agree! I would love to see this feature in C1. It is one of the small things I miss when looking back to Lightroom.

  • +19