Expanding ability to change backgrounds (on Windows).
As a headshot photographer I offer my clients the ability to have selected shots on different backgrounds--usually white, gray, or black, but on anything they wish. We can shoot on green (or blue) screen and then use green screen software to remov...
Improve filter by rating : allowing selection of multiple ratings
In a session, I rate my photos from none to 5 stars. for some uses (e.g. exports for a book or website) I would like to select all photos with ratings of 3 or more.
It would improve precision if you could speededit with + or - in stead of using the mouse. E.g. Holding E to activate speededit for Brightness and then clicking + or - to increase or decrease Brightness.
Please Please Please allow us to save and name sets of guides that we have built. I need to recreate product shots multiple times a year. Overlays aren't right for my products, but repeatable guide sets would be invaluable.
In addition to the current options (can view, can view & comment, etc.) it'd be nice to have an option for only comments, only rate, only color tag, etc. Sometimes I only want to give the client an option to 1 ⭐️ photos for their favs but don'...
In thumbnail view, when selecting multiple images, make the frame around the main variant thumbnail much thicker or in a different color; now it is difficult to recognize it. thanks
Please add the PhotoRoom expand the background feature to Windows computers.
I know this feature is available on Mac computers, but we Windows users want the same love! Frankly, it is a bit annoying that you seem to operate on the basis that everyone uses Apple products. (You NEVER give demos on Windows computers, you ALWA...