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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Benjamin Kim
Created on Nov 9, 2023

Export speed is still slower than LR CC

What problem do you see this solving?

I already reported this but it's still a problem. LR CC performs way faster than C1P and that YouTube keep proving his point. How come C1P export is slower than LR CC? This is a serious problem for digitechs who export them with multiple export recipes. How come C1P is not improving the export performance?

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?


Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?


  • Benjamin Kim
    Nov 11, 2023

    Brian Jordan/

    Walter Rowe/


    You can check images that I posted above. 


    This issue already reported 8 months ago and yet never solved. This is because Capture One only uses 2~4 cores while LR uses almost all CPU cores. Using GPU doesn't really process faster as the YouTuber proved it for several times. How come Capture One does not take advantages with multi cores? This is a serious problem for digitechs who process and export a lot of files per folder with multiple recipe. 


    Are you going to fix this or not?


  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 9, 2023

    The LR chart shows export times. The Capture One chart shows Import times. Are you comparing different processes or did you post the wrong graphics? If you posted the wrong graphics you can use the gear icon to edit your post.

  • Benjamin Kim
    Nov 9, 2023

  • Brian Jordan
    Nov 9, 2023

    That’s a 40 min video. Maybe post a time reference? More detail would be good, too. Exporting 1 photo or 100? 1000? Single recipe? Multiple?

  • +3