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Created by Martin Groth
Created on Nov 5, 2023

AI Masking - Subject detection with limitations

Hi Folks,

I just got the new C1P Version and now I try AI-masking. Sometimes it works excellent in difficult situations, sometimes it does not work nicely in simple situations.

This is my example:

This looks easy vor me.

When I perform Subject Masking I get this result:

From my point of view, the branches in front of the bright sky should be easy to differentiate, unfortunately the selection is very imprecise in some parts of the Foto.

When I try to correct this with the AI-Erasor, I get these results (the white dot shows the area I tried to select). I cannot find a point where only the sky between the branches can be selected and unmasked.

What am I doing wrong, or how can I improve the result?

Thanks and regards


  • Martin Groth
    Nov 5, 2023

    Thanks Walter,

    I was surprised that apparently complicated subjects are recognised perfectly by the AI, but apparently "easy" ones are not. I know that this can be edited afterwards. 
    Perhaps this specific problem will help to make the AI even better in the next version. 



  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 5, 2023

    I appreciate that this is not a "complete" background mask, but from this point the magic brush in a single stroke will select the rest of it. The magic erase also can erase the errant areas such as the part on the ground that seems to have a partial mask.

  • Martin Groth
    Nov 5, 2023

    Hello, and thanks!

    If I select "Background" instead, the mask is marked the other way round, including the errors.
    It is interesting that part of the trunk is now also masked at the bottom, which was not the case with "Subject". 

  • Grant Perkins
    Nov 5, 2023



    Quite a tricky image with a pink sky (I bet that has not come up much in AI training) and some shades on the tree trunk that, perhaps, are actually very close to the colour of the sky area. I know it all looks dark but I would bet the lighter patches, though looking dark, are quite close to the sky colour.

    If so it may be a situation that defeats the current level of AI training available to the "Subject" identification component.

    What happens if you choose "Background" instead?

  • Martin Groth
    Nov 5, 2023

    I understand that you can achieve a result with other masking tools, as David has shown in detail in his videos. My only concern is that subject detection works better in much more difficult situations than in simple ones like the one in my example.


  • Ian Wilson
    Nov 5, 2023

    One way of improving the result for this particular image could perhaps be to use a Luma range on the masked layer as it is at the moment. I'd think that the sky could easily be excluded that way.

    Also, what happens if you use the AI brush on the tree, rather than the Subject button?


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