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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Christian Velten
Created on May 28, 2023

With HDR keep sources metadata

HDRs should keep the metadata of the series which is merged. This particularly concerns capture date, location data but also any other metadata like color/star ratings and keywords. As metadata across the series can deviate, a pragmatic approach could be to simply use the data of the first or the last picture of the series.

Currently, metadata of new CO generated HDRs need to be manually added after in separate tools, which actually is an unnecessary additional step makingthe workflow less efficient. And for someone like me, who is regularly creating HDRs, taking nerves.

Feel free to get in touch in case you might want to better understand.

  • Christian Velten
    Jul 2, 2023

    Created a new, "compliant", template-based post, following BeO's nudge.

    This one could be closed.

  • Christian Velten
    May 29, 2023

    TY BeO ... the CO Support landing page suggested that posting here would the appropriate approach. But remembered that I had used a form before. Thanks for pointing me to it. Will also share my feedback there ... just to be on the safe side. 😉

  • BeO O
    May 28, 2023

     a pragmatic approach could be to simply use the data of the first or the last picture of the series.

    Or the metadata from the primary variant, so the user can influence which image data be taken.

  • +2