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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on May 25, 2023

AI Dust removal not working on negative scans / white dust spots

What problem do you see this solving?

Hello C1 community & devs

As i am digitizing a lot of negative film with C1 / Analogue Toolbox (which is genius), dust is what slows it all down massively since there is no digital ICE available. I was really exited when the new BETA feature of Dust removal came out as it would integrate perfectly with my workflow but of now it is not really working in pictures that are already converted where most of the dust is showing up as white spots and also it is not really working in yet to be inverted images. I assume this is because the tool was not trained on white dust spots and with the intention in mind to clean up film scans. However i'd like to petition to expand the functionality, especially to include white dust and to clean up film scans as i think that would *technically* be no issue and would expand the usability of C1 for quite a few people by a large margin.

Also I'm aware about the topic regarding integration of a native conversion feature into C1 but wanted specifically to focus on a maybe earlier implementation of dust removal for film scans as i think that can be integrated and developed much sooner.


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Right now

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Kinetronics StaticVac / Valoi Duster prescan; takes care about half the dust.

  • Guest
    Jun 12, 2023

    I have exactly the same problem. In negative mages dust particles are white rather than black, so the the dust removal routine ignores it. In fact, dust removal is more important in negatives than positive since I assume most of the scanned images are from negative, not positive (slide) film.

  • Guest
    May 25, 2023

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