What is says on the tin. Why? Because you'd be shocked how often iPhone shots are used in professional work. At the very least, iPhone shots are often used as BTS or reference or in some other way are relevant to a project and need to ride along with the files from the "real" cameras.
HEIF support is only partially implemented. I would like to see a HEIF export feature, too, along with WEBP and AVIF. I bet, this a license problem for capture one...
368645597278 This is a good idea, but one of the main problems with thumbnails is that they are stored as individual files on disk, which is inefficient for loading and writing, especially on extremely large disks, which are formatted using larger default allocation sizes (meaning, the minimum size on disk that a file of any size occupies).
Notice there are smaller options there. These increase the storage efficiency and retrieval speed for a given range of consecutive small files on disk.
Here are some example sizes for .cot thumbnail files. Notice they're all universally small. Not only is it less efficient to store on disk, it has another problem...
The small file sizes require an individual file-read or file-write operation to be conducted by the application. Last time I checked, file read/write calls are system calls (the app asks the system kernel to do it, wasting extra time, because it's a protected operation). The best way to handle this is to minimize the number of individual read/write operations, and prepare bigger files with more thumbnails packed into each one. To do this, they need to store the thumbnails in thumbs.db files. They need to make a set of these thumbnail files for each folder (grouping the thumbnails into chunks to avoid excessively large db files, to make sure not to slow down the operation due to the opposite problem: too much data to be read at once).
You can see discussions of file-read and file-write computational costs here: c++ - What is the memory overhead of opening a file on Windows? - Stack Overflow and here: optimization - Many small files or one big file? (Or, Overhead of opening and closing file handles) (C++) - Stack Overflow
You can test the costs by just simulating this process in a program, writing lots of files, versus one big file, and comparing the time in milliseconds before and after each process.
(Here's a paragraph from the other article):
As for whether HEIC/HEIF should be used for this...probably. I don't know how complex the calculations are, or whether they have any hardware-accelerated decoders like how nVidia has NVENC for H.264 videos. What's funny is it might actually be faster to store the thumbnails as a video file and use hardware decoders to open the video file and then load each individual video frame as a thumbnail. 😆 buuuut then, if you delete an image from your folder, the entire video would have to be re-encoded, I guess, which would suck.
As you can see, each one of these .cot files is actually a JPEG file. Reducing the file size would actually do nothing for load times, because the rate at which a JPEG of this size can be decoded in CPU/RAM is significantly faster than the rate at which these small files can be loaded off of a HDD. If you run these on an SSD, it's much faster, but...then you have to remember to manage your catalog location, and back it up separately. A pain in the butt. The ideal setup would involve these files existing on permanent storage, but having an SSD dedicated to serving as a Read cache in StoreMI (or comparable software).
Your improvement suggestion only works if the CaptureOne team changes their storage architecture.
I applied to work at CaptureOne many times, across several years, and they never hired me. In the one interview I did get, the manager thought I was incompetent at programming, despite the fact that I'm excellent at researching and programming. I'm just slower at it and have to mentally disconnect from my environment in order to channel my attention solely onto programming.
1904973268653 if you're listening, I'm on the job market and would love to join your team and fix all your problems. You need someone who is able to span all of the areas of programming: UI/UX design, algorithm design, trend awareness, and has lots of ideas to play with in his mind. But you turned me down before, and now you're suffering for it. I like to think of this as justice. You got what you deserved.
366733739077 See if your manager wants a new employee.
Moved from the archive on 15.05.23.
8-bit HEIF support implemented in v21 (14.0.0).
HEIC as a format is not supported. Support covers Apple HEIC and other photos converted to 8-bit HEIF.
HEIC support for both import and export is needed. As is, I'm stuck with converting exported photos.
HEIC support is indeed urgently needed. 8bit & 16bit. Import & export.
At present I have to export as 16bit TIFF, and then use ImageMagick's convert tool (with libheif installed) - this is a proof-of-concept but not a workflow!
HEIC/HEIF 16bit urgently needed!!!
I also support this request. As others are currently doing, I export to TIFF and then use a third-party program to convert to HEIC. This takes a considerable amount of time (specifically, exporting to TIFF) and is more wear and tear on my storage devices. Being able to export directly to HEIC would be amazing.
As others have noted, HEIC offers considerable advantages over JPEG at this time. It dramatically cuts the amount of storage space. For people processing only a handful of photos at a time it may not seem like much, but the savings are significant when discussing hundreds and thousands of photos.
The more people that place a support request, the better the chance that eventually we once get HEIC support for 'exporting' images out of CO. Which I would really love to see.
"Please note that exporting to HEIF/HEIC as format is not supported, so another available format should be selected for output either in the Process Recipe tool or in the Export window."
it does ...
HEIC export support would be greatly appreciated thank you!
they closed voted page=) But without import option it hasn't done.
Plus, 8-bit ... isn't it the same as JPEG, while HEIC\HEIF support more?
Es wäre schön, wenn das HEIC Format bald unterstütz würde.
beste Grüsse
When will HEIC/HEIF-support finally arrive? Please C1 don’t be the last to jump on the bandwagon.
Import ‘and’ export of this format is really needed in today’s times!
I export my images from all my different camera’s from C1 into TIFF and have to convert those with an additional tool into HEIC just to be able to import my pics into Apple Photos in the HEIC format. This gives me half of the size of JPEGs and that’s reason enough.
I consider this format as a better quality and/or lower file size candidate for long term archivals especially if you want future generations (literally, your children) to view your work or family photos.
In 20+ years JPG will be an ancient and low quality format, tiff will probably still considered too big, and raw formats of your current cameras no longer readable, even if your children will want to mess up with raw converters at all, which is questionable.
So, HEIC for import AND export please.
Vote for the format by commenting here:
Be aware that there is also this one: https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003404558-Is-HEIC-HEIF-format-supported-by-Capture-One-
...but you definitely have my up-vote!
That's a fantastic idea.
I would even go further and even see evaluated if HEI/HVEC would be beneficial to use for thumbnails and preview images. These files consume a considerable amount of space for large libraries.