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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Thomas Kyhn
Created on Aug 26, 2023

If no catalogue/session was open when Capture One was closed, it shouldn't open one next time it's launched (Mac)

What problem do you see this solving?

When opening Capture One I would expect it to open in the same state as it was in when it was closed last, also if no catalogue/session was open when it was closed. But as it is it always opens the most recently used catalogue/session regardless of whether any catalogue/session was open when it was closed. While not a major issue, this is inconvenient.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Regularly after splitting up my main catalogue into multiple catalogues (to alleviate Capture One's problems with handling larger catalogues).

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?


  • Thomas Kyhn
    Sep 1, 2023

    This isn't a big issue, it would just be convenient if Capture One would open in the same state as when it was closed. If you want to keep working with the catalogue/session that was open when Capture One was shut down, you can leave it open. If you don't know what you'll be working on next time you open Capture One, you can close the current catalogue/session before closing the application. I'm not requesting a workaround, just a simple option for Capture One to open in the same state as when it was closed like you would expect most other applications to do (on Mac at least) unless you've specified otherwise in their settings.

  • Joachim Jundt
    Sep 1, 2023

    Some browsers open the last tabs, others remain empty after restart. For both are good reasons to favour them. I look at it as a prefilled workspace - if you open PS, there's also a window waiting for you to be filled with an image of your choice, and when I start iTunes, Aperture, Photos, DevonThink, in short all kinds of database centered apps, I usually am happy they are ready to work with. Without the need to first select the database.

    A workaround for you could be to define an empty catalog as "C1", then you only need to think about closing all other catalogues except that one when quitting C1.

    I for instance hate it when Iridient is asking which images I like to work on.

    In Affinity is a parameter to select if I want to open the files which were open in my last session. I guess, such a checkbox would help in C1, too.

    I don't see this as a real problem, so we're here not on the same boat. Doesn't matter. 

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Sep 1, 2023

    The option to open Capture One in the same state as when it was closed seems like a reasonably simple thing to ask for, and shouldn't really overcomplicate anything. You wouldn't want other applications automatically opening files, documents, etc., that weren't open last time they (the applications) were closed either.

  • Joachim Jundt
    Sep 1, 2023


    I'm not working with sessions and don't know if they are very different to catalogues in this aspect.

    When I quit Capture One with two catalogues open, they will open as well next time if the hard drive is available. If I close one catalogue, only the other one will open.

    I have no idea why C1 thinks I want these two sessions to always open at start up

    Because it's not uncommon to interrupt work and restart later, so having the same sessions available can be a good feature. Maybe you can avoid it by double-clicking the session in your session folder you want to work with.

    This would also be my advice to you 370131390338: You guys all are able to open a file by double-clicking it. So why not treat a catalogue/session the same way? Don't overcomplicate simple things.

    Or simply close your catalogues without quitting C1. Don't know if you're working on Mac or Win, but what is the problem to leave C1 running and just close the catalogues? Next time you don't need to restart C1, just navigate to "recent catalogues". Of course, occasionally it might be good to restart C1. Also, I don't understand why this app needs 1.25 GB of RAM although all catalogues are closed, instead of releasing a big chunk of RAM, but I have 64 available, so I really don't bother too much.

  • BeO O
    Aug 30, 2023

    There must be a way of just opening only the program

    Option/Alt is the only way, that is the reason Thomas requests such a feature here, you can upvote his request.

    Why two instead of only the last session opens I have no idea, maybe a bug, can could request support via the link on top of this page.

  • Guest
    Aug 30, 2023

    Thanks, that works. But how do I stop these two sessions always wanting to open when I start C1(23) otherwise? There must be a way of just opening only the program then selecting either the session/catalogue I worked on previously in the menu or starting a new one without having to hold the option/alt key. If not that just seems stupid.. Am I missing something or is this a 'feature'? I have no idea why C1 thinks I want these two sessions to always open at start up and frankly it's very annoying.. 


  • BeO O
    Aug 30, 2023

    It opens two sessions at the same time?

    Try holding down the Option/Alt key, then open C1, hold the key until C1 shows you a Window with the recent catalogs/sessions (this is what this key is supposed to do).

  • Guest
    Aug 30, 2023

    My problem is C1 always opens two sessions I worked on months ago when I initially start it up and I can't work out how to stop it so it only opens the 'menu' (listing my last few sessions). I've tried changing every setting in the preferences folder but nothing seems to work. Any idea anyone?   

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