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Status Shipped
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Mobile
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 28, 2023

Exporting - save to files - progress bar

Which device are you using?

iPad Pro

What problem do you see this solving?

I am struggling with the export of large numbers of raw files to an external SSD as there is no indication of how far the transfer is progressing, you don't know if it is starting or near finishing.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every shoot with the iPad

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals?

No, I am currently not able to use the cloud services due to the remote locations I shoot in and so I have to take my laptop along to manually back it up - completely defeats the point of shooting to the iPad.

  • Tomas Vyšniauskas
    Sep 14, 2023

    Thanks for the Circle and a posibility to expand it, loved it! Can we please have file copy time remaining next to the file numbers (something like Activities on desktop), many thanks!

  • Evi Kefallinou (CO)
    Jul 4, 2023

    Hello, thanks for the feedback.

    We have recently updated our export mechanism, can you let me know if you still face the same issue?

    Last, there is progress bar (actually a circle) next to the picture or album name.