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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Digby Oldridge
Created on Apr 4, 2024

Integration of 360 Image Support in Capture One Pro

Proposal: Integration of 360 Image Support in Capture One Pro


As technology continues to advance, the demand for immersive experiences is on the rise. 360-degree photography has emerged as a powerful tool for creating immersive content, offering viewers a unique perspective and engaging storytelling. However, the current market lacks comprehensive software solutions for professional editing and management of 360-degree images. Recognising this gap, we propose the integration of 360 image support in Capture One Pro, one of the leading software solutions for professional photo editing and management.


  1. Enhanced Editing Capabilities: Allow users to seamlessly edit and enhance 360-degree images within Capture One Pro's advanced editing environment, leveraging its powerful tools and features.

  2. Streamlined Workflow: Integrate 360 image support seamlessly into the existing workflow of Capture One Pro, ensuring a smooth transition for photographers accustomed to the software.

  3. Professional-grade Output: Ensure that edited 360-degree images maintain their quality and integrity, enabling professionals to deliver high-quality content to their clients and audiences.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: Develop an intuitive interface for editing 360-degree images, providing users with easy access to essential editing tools and functions.


  1. 360 Image Import: Enable users to import 360-degree images directly into Capture One Pro, preserving their spherical format without distortion.

  2. 360-specific Editing Tools: Introduce specialized editing tools tailored to the unique characteristics of 360-degree images, such as spherical cropping, distortion correction, and horizon leveling.

  3. 360 Image Preview: Provide users with a dedicated preview mode for viewing and navigating 360-degree images within the software, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of the content's spatial layout.

  4. 360 Image Export: Support the export of edited 360-degree images in various formats, including equirectangular projection, suitable for sharing across different platforms and VR/AR applications.

  5. Metadata Management: Enable users to manage metadata associated with 360-degree images, including spatial orientation, field of view, and projection type, ensuring compatibility with external platforms and devices.


  1. Research and Development: Allocate resources towards researching the technical requirements and challenges associated with integrating 360 image support into Capture One Pro. Develop a roadmap for implementation based on industry standards and user feedback.

  2. Software Integration: Collaborate with experts in 360-degree photography and software development to seamlessly integrate 360 image support into the existing framework of Capture One Pro, ensuring compatibility across different operating systems and hardware configurations.

  3. User Testing and Feedback: Conduct extensive user testing and gather feedback from professional photographers and content creators to refine the user experience and optimise the functionality of the 360 image editing tools.

  4. Documentation and Training: Provide comprehensive documentation and training resources to help users familiarize themselves with the new features and maximize their potential for creating immersive content using Capture One Pro.


The integration of 360 image support in Capture One Pro represents a significant step towards meeting the evolving needs of professional photographers and content creators in the era of immersive storytelling. By leveraging the software's advanced editing capabilities and intuitive interface, users will be empowered to unleash their creativity and produce captivating 360-degree images with unmatched precision and quality. We believe that this initiative will not only enhance the value proposition of Capture One Pro but also position it as a leading solution for 360-degree photography in the professional market.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate and bring this vision to life. I hope people with support my idea so we can make this happen.

Thanks Digby

Current workaround

I am currently using a combination of Affinity Photo and the ricoh-theta software neither of which provide an ideal solution. Pretty much all my other pro work is done with capture one this feature feels like the missing link...