Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.
What problem do you see this solving?
If someone from C1 responded in a sentient way to the suggestions and requests from users for basic feature additions and improvements, it might make me struggle on with what is increasingly looking like abandonware.
Adding Analog/Negative FILM Conversion Features is a big request from many of us going back 3 years or more with no sign of a proper reply from C1. Answer Yes and we probably stay. Answer no and we probably bail.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Every time I use C1, I am frustrated by the poor interface when creating projects, setting folders and importing. Every time I deal with scanned images or film, I am hindered by the lack of support from C1. So lets' say every day.
Current workaround
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One? The easiest workarounds are to use other software like ON1, Lightroom or Photoshop where there are new and useful features added all the time. |
Thanks Rafael,
My goal in this conversation with you as the CEO is
(1) to sensitise you to regression issues and that they are maybe a bigger problem than you might think, and
(2) to sensitise you that bugs, which are introduced in a specific minor version (i.e. regression defects) but not fixed in a service release, rather much later in a feature release, are a serious problem for perpetual license owners, which I believe still make a big portion of your customers. Imo, you really should re-think that bug fixing policy (at the very least for regression defects).
Now to the 3 issues:
I have reported the regression defects and they are partially solved now, two of them took about 7 months, at least that I was being made aware of. I can send a summary as below to that mail address in case that serves a purpose (please tell me then).
Regression issue #172712
Removing the search term jumped to top of browser introduced in 15.3 or 15.4, solved in 16.1
Regression issue #172703
Session wrongly changes .cos files modified date by just browsing the images introduced in 15.3 or 15.4, (partially?) solved in 16.x.
remaining two issues, (1) .cos file modified date is updated when switching between layers, and (2) for two of my DNG files from a C1 panorama stitch.
Whether or not the two remaining issues are regression issues or exist much longer I don't know.
Regression issue #198557
Drag&Drop files from Explorer onto a session album no longer works in v23 (or maybe since 15.3 or 15.4 but less likely so). "filed for revision by our developers".
Hi 369260519517 - if you'd like to send some details of the three regression defects you found to, we would love to investigate and get to the bottom of the issue, we can always do better
Thanks a lot in advance
When I read something like
I also think like 369260519517 "all is good" for them and Capture One. Just not for me or other low-volume, low-pressure photogs, good enough to pay the subscriptions fees but else, who cares?
And then I see
of one day ago and get an idea, what "soon" stands for :) Have a good day from me as well, Mr. FirstNameLastName.
Rafael Orta wrote
I never found three regression defects in C1 in such a short time period than with v22/v23, that is the "external reality". But if the quality satisfies your "customers that operate in high-volume and high-pressure situations" then all is good, you think. Indeed, opinions can be very different. Have a good day.
And it will not improve just by packing more features on top of a weak basement, I'm afraid.
369260519517, I'm sure there are equally as well as more pressing issues; the issue of poor performance with catalogues is one of many, and goes a long way back too.
From 15.2 to 16.something me alone have found 3 (read three) regression defects!
Thomas, I am not invalidating your wish but want to add:
With version 23 on Windows you cannot even use an external catalog and dragdrop images to a C1 session album, as it has been possible in all previous versions I used. Another regression defect.
I wish the company's dedication to quality and performance would be extended to Capture One's handling of larger catalogues: poor performance resulting in regular unresponsiveness. Presumably this has been an issue since the introduction of catalogues, which must be quite a few years ago by now.
For details see:
Would love to see file/DAM performance improvements prioritized
Improved handling of catalogues (i.e. faster and less unresponsive)
Thanks, Rafael (I assume).
I appreciate your reply. I really do. And I do believe what you've responded. And possibly your observation is right since you joined the company/became CEO. But when comparing this with my experience from before that time, being a customer since version 8, I have to say the time needed for bug fixing has become longer, at least for some of my issues.
The support team is very responsive though, probably back to the level it was 8 years ago, maybe better; there had been a dip in between.
In addition to my own experience I base my opinion also on what I read in the forum, your statistics may tell you a story of big improvements but I am not sure the absolute level is satisfactorily. I am speaking about regression defects specifically. I don't have a ton of images so performance is good (and actually slightly improved compared to earlier versions) and the software is stable for me (i.e. no crashes, but that has been like so almost always) only the fight against regression defects from one version to the next could still be improved.
I am still on 15.2 because a higher version of 15 contains regression defects only solved in 16 and I am a perpetual license holder (and will always be), and the new policy to not deliver bug fixes and especially regression bug fixes after the next minor feature release is abstruse, to say the least.
Hi 369260519517, 369182181677 - my profile will will be showing my name and photo soon. I can't change that myself unfortunately, it's not a self-service feature in the tool, so I'm waiting for one of the members of the team to assist with that. It will be fixed promptly.
369260519517 - thanks for your comment about quality. I appreciate we might have divided opinions about this issue, but the internal reality is that we have been very focused on improving code quality over the last 3 years. We've significantly reduced backlogs, we detect most bugs through automated tests before release and we're very fast to deliver fixes. Sometimes we find more difficult issues, which take a little longer, but we're very conscious of Capture One being the backbone to the workflow of many working professionals and as a result we take quality and performance very seriously. In general, our customers that operate in high-volume, high-pressure situations have qualitatively noticed the results of our focus here.
We've also become more open about bugs we've identified, often with help form our customers, and what we're doing to address them:
I will of course encourage you to speak to our support team about any specific issues you may be facing.
Basically I was determined not to reply to any more "FirstName LastName" posts as this alias is either occupied by jokers or a flaw in the Zendesk forum software. And I think the latter is the better guess. Now, Mr. FirstName LastName with an "official comment" label on his post, my problem is: given the quality and usability of this forum software - if your post was in my mail box, I immediately would tag it as "phishing attempt". I'm just giving the feedback, if it's an official comment please make it look a bit more like one.
FirstName LastName is practically equal to "Anonymous".
Hi Firstname Lastname, is that you Mr. Orta?
I hope you've read my complaint about regression defects too. From my observation this is not just an issue in recent versions but continues since years.
Maybe it is worthwhile to increase effort for regression testing, unit testing, test automation, incentivisation for beta testers and sufficient time to fix found issues before releasing.
385866607378 - I'm the CEO of Capture One, firstly, I want to thank you for your post here
Many people at Capture One read these posts, including me
They're one of the many inputs we use to prioritise our focus and work, we especially look for broad trends and highly upvoted requests
We can't fulfil every single request, and some of them will be met earlier than others, but we're very determined to improve our engagement and communication with our customers
Thanks again for your suggestion here and for the reminder that not only we need to listen, but we also need to give you cues to show we are
Wishing you all the best
One reason for voting with my wallet is they introduce more bugs which I am affected by (and have reported, partially solved, but in a version I have no license for*) than they add new features which could be useful to me.
*e.g. bugs found in 15.3 or 15.4, solved in 16.2 or so.
Pair this tendency for regression defects with the massively shortened bug fix period if you are a perpetual license owner and this is a no-go.
If one wants to update one must be testing very very thoroughly all aspects of functionality one is using to be sure to get a minor version which works as previously without new bugs.