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Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by JR Peterson
Created on Jul 15, 2023

Fixed megapixel export

What problem do you see this solving?

To be able to export images at a fixed megapixel size. I often want to output images of mixed aspect ratios with the same total number of pixels/"amount of image"; there is currenlty no way to do this. This would be fixed by adding "megapixels" to the export>scale dropdown. I found I needed to do this ~18 years ago, and imediately discovered it was implemented in a competing product.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Most times I export anything, including twice yesterday.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

The closest I have is to set the long edge to a fixed value that is higher than I want, and live with the images being diferent sizes. I'm aware of some hacking a solution with photomechanic. The other work around I have is not not finish migrating over to Capture One. discussion thread

  • Raymond Harrison
    Jul 16, 2023

    Ah, forgive the misreading :-(. I went and read the discussion link you provided to get clarity on the ask and I think it makes sense now. Maybe I still have it wrong but it seems like you want to maintain pixel density on the long and short edges (or square)  by scaling density as appropriate. Or am I still off in left field?

  • JR Peterson
    Jul 16, 2023

    378474658737  -- thank you for your comment, I'll look into that as I also have a separate problem that may solve. However for this request, I'm specifically asking about a fixed number of pixels (in megapixels), not fixed file sizes (in megabytes).

    I'm very happy for the jpeg algorythm with a normal quality number to do it's work after the image has been sized to the right number of pixels.

    (edit: formatting)

  • Raymond Harrison
    Jul 15, 2023

    I don't have a work-around while you wait for something like this, but for me, one of the significant challenges with "gimme-a-specific-file-size-no-matter-what" is the potential significant degradation in image quality across a set of images. I've found that 10 images might have significantly varying degrees of image quality depending on the amount of brute-force compression needed to get to the given size. I've really enjoyed the JPEGMini Pro plugin for Capture One to balance out image quality and file size. I don't think they allow for a specific size (which I appreciate) but they do have nice algorithms that can significantly reduce the file size while maintaining  great image quality. It works seamlessly with Capture One on export and they also have plugins for Lr/Ps (both of which natively do brute-force compression at the expense of image quality to get to some desired file size). Worth a shot if any of this is a concern. Obviously, if you have to upload to sites that are strict in requiring specific file sizes that are below the typical output sizes of high-or medium-quality JPEG, then you have to work with what you've got.  

    Good luck with your request!