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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Eric Leszkowicz
Created on Feb 22, 2024

Improve the update process please!

The update process is so frustrating. So many programs with licenses update automatically but downloading updates without requiring a login.

Not Capture One.

So staff machines I have to go around and update and login for them to update the machines. It is a frustrating process especially given they won’t be able to open sessions if they are not on the current version. This is such a small and well established programming tweak.

I have been a capture 1 studio for nearly a decade but everytime I am doing this update process I start to think to myself - could I go back to L****R****?

(Of course their tethering option is so bad - the answer is no)

  • Eric Leszkowicz
    Feb 23, 2024

    Fantastic I upvoted it. Hopefully this gets fixed.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Feb 22, 2024

    There's a number of requests for this already. This one appears to have the most votes so far:

  • Eric Leszkowicz
    Feb 22, 2024

    This is a multi user (and users with multiple computers).  On an enterprise level that is a whole different situation.  I am not looking for auto updates. But when an update needs to be applied to a machine I would like to not have to login.  Forcing a login encourages bad passwords.  The software should be able to tell the server that this is a valid license and authorize the download.

  • Grant Perkins
    Feb 22, 2024


    Is this more of an issue for Enterprise and multi-user customers, like yourself, than for most single license users?

    I guess the challenge is creating a process for a commercial operation that permits almost automatic updates but still allows for some machines to be left with older versions if required. It would also have to allow the licensee's manager to define which systems were allowed to be upgraded and activated in the event that there were more potential computers that "could" be used than there are licenses seats to distribute.

    But it sounds like a good idea on which to base some discussions with the C1 team.

  • +1